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I bumped into Riley earlier and I've been trying to tell West Eldon and Hunter yet they don't believe me,
I knew it was her the second our eyes met and there's no doubt about it

"Bro you're lying there's no way Riley would come back here" Eldon laughs making West and Hunter join in. "Cmon guys! Just check her social media I'm telling you the truth" I beg
Hunter checks and sees that Riley's been tagged in posts with Shannon Sasha and Shelby and that they were in a pub in town confirming what i was saying

"Yeah okay maybe it was Riley then" West says
"Did you talk to her then?" West continues making me shake my head
"No she pretty much ran away from me then I went to go find her in the pub just to see if it actually was her but when she noticed me she ran out the back.. I did try talking to her friends but they completely ignored me" I ahh rubbing my hand across my forehead

"Well I mean what you did to Riley was awful, why wouldn't she run away from you" Hunter says
"Wow thats harsh" I sigh "No James what you did to Riley was harsh, Riley doesn't owe you shit" Hunter spits
No matter how much time passes he always has stuck up for Riley, I mean everyone has especially after what I had done went around

I got the blame for everything.. the blame for Riley leaving town, the blame for Riley cutting ties and removing basically everyone
I got so much abuse from everyone and to be honest I did deserve it, I have no idea why I did what I did
It sounds stupid but I don't have guilt for what I had done, I just have guilt for hurting Riley

"Do you think she'll ever listen to me?" I ask with hope filling both of my eyes
"No I highly doubt it James" West says causing me to nod my head, I knew that response was coming but I couldn't help but hole for a different one
"I'm gonna go home, I want to be alone.. I'll talk to you guys later" I softly say while standing up and heading towards my car

Once I got home I headed straight upstairs ignoring my family but I'm sure they've heard Riley's back in town, shutting my bedroom door behind me I pull out my phone and search up Riley's social media
Something I always do but I've never been able to find her meaning I was blocked and today was no different

I make a fake account to I'm able to see her posts which doesn't take long to do at all so within a short few minutes her Facebook page was pulled up in front of me, something catches my eye straight away
Something I never wanted to see

Riley is in a relationship and has been for a few years now.. I never thought I'd see the day that Riley moved on but where was he the day I bumped into her?
I look through their pictures together and to be honest Riley looks happier with him then she ever did with me

At least I know he's treating her right I suppose but Riley was and is still mine
Riley will always be my girl, my girlfriend and I will do anything in my power to make that happen again
This random man will not stand in the way of true love and I will make sure Riley sees that herself

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