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We've been sat with Piper and Deborah for a few hours now and I would be lying if I said I didn't enjoy it
I have genuinely missed these two girls the past five years
James had got up to go to the toilet and Deborah has offered to grab us some more drinks and snacks so it just left Piper and I sat in the front room

"Are you guys really only just friends?" Piper whispers over to me making me giggle
"Yeah we are, why?" I whisper back
"Well last time I checked friends don't have sex" Piper smugly says
"Okay fine we aren't just friends but we aren't together, we're in that weird in between" I finally confess

"Oh I knew it" Piper laughs wiggling her finger towards me with a proud look on her face
"Keep it on the down low thought please, we don't even know what we are" I ask Piper who nods her head
"What have I missed" a confused James asks standing in the front room doorway only making me and Piper look at each other and laugh

"Oh I haven't missed the pair of you together" James jokingly says before turning his attention to me
"Did you wanna go for that walk?" James asks me
"I didn't know we were going on a walk" I shyly confess
"Well we had agreed on doing something but I had been thinking how about we go for a walk somewhere? I'm pretty sure there's somewhere not far from here that have a nice lake to walk and sit around" James asks

"Yeah that sounds like a good idea" I softly say making James smile
"Here's the snacks and drinks" Deborah gleefully says bringing a tray of goodies in making all three of us grab something off the tray the second it was placed down
"God nothing has changed with any of you has it" Deborah laughs shaking her head at all of us

"You brought out snacks mum" Piper says with a mouthful of food making James and I both laugh at her attempt to speak without spiting anything out her mouth but failing to do so
"Want to head off now? Or we can post pone it for this evening?" James asks
"Oo can we go this evening? We can watch the sunset" I hopefully ask

"Yeah I like that idea better" James softly says while taking his hand and running through my hair
"Ew you guys are still so gross" Piper says while fake gagging
"Oh you love it, all I've heard from you for the last few years is how you want James and Riley to get back together and get things back to normal" Deborah laughs

"Awwh you've missed me" James smugly says before leaping off the sofa and making a bee line towards Piper who sequels and leaps off the sofa herself making it a game of cat and mouse
Deborah and I are both in hysterics as we watch them both run around the house neither one of them ready to admit defeat

Eventually they both decide to say it's a draw as James never caught Piper
"I don't know if I've got the energy for this walk now you know" James breathlessly says making me laugh at him
"We can always go tomorrow I don't mind" I chuckle receiving a small nod of agreement from James

"You'd this he'd have some more stamina for his age" Piper laughs while throwing a pillow in James' direction
"God Piper you always say something dirty" James chuckles "On that note, how about we head upstairs before we're grilled once again by that creature I call my sister" James continues making me shake my head at him before standing up to go upstairs to his bedroom

"That was really nice" I sigh while laying myself across James' bed
"It was quite nice wasn't it" James agrees before laying his head on my chest while tracing the skin on my arm
"God I've missed this" James sighs
"Me too" I softly say before turning and cuddling into James some more

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