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"What's on your mind? You seem really distant" James asks bringing me out of my thoughts
"I've just been thinking" I confess causing James to furrow his eyebrows
"We just need to talk about some things I think, I know we're on our date but it needs to be sorted out now before we get in too deep" I continue

"Yeah I agree, you go first and then I'll explain anything you want" James softly speaks while running his hands through my hair
"There's been a few things that you've said and done that don't really sit well with me.. you said that night I left you enjoyed it and didn't regret it and if that's the case then why are you here?" I ask

"I'm really sorry I said that, I didn't mean that at all I had quite a bit to drink that night.. actually most nights I'm drunk" James confesses
"Wait you are?" I question, James has always seemed sober whenever I've seen him

"Yeah since you left I found some very unhealthy ways to cope with what I did and that's when I became even more heartless. I'm honestly so sorry that night happened, I didn't know it had happened until afterwards.. I have no memory of it at all" James explains

It definitely made sense as to why James has acted the way he has

"Are you sober now?" I ask ask "Yeah I am, whenever I've been around you I have been" James admits making my whole body relax
"What about the whole stalking thing, what was that about?" I ask making janes chuckle a little
"I haven't got an excuse for that I just didn't think I'd ever see you again so I needed to see you" James says making me laugh as well
"At least you're honest" I laugh

"Now I've got a question for you Ri" James says
"Oh god here we go" I sigh with a smile on my face making James gently nudge my leg
"Why did you agree to meet me" James says
I didn't have an answer to that one, not really.. I just couldn't stay away from James
It's like a magnet is pulling us together and when I moved away it was easy to stay away since I wasn't bumping into him but since coming back all I've thought about is James

"I just couldn't say no" I confess making James smile
"There's just something about you" I continue breaking the eye contact and staring at the grass underneath us
By now the sun had already set and it was getting chilly as the night went on, I look around the park and notice that we're the only ones here

Before I know it James is hovering over me with a cheeky look written all over his face
I lean up and close the gap between us by passionately planting a kiss on James' lips
We gently pull away both trying to catch our breath, James' fingers gently going down my cheek and running over my lips while he admires my features

"Do you wanna come back to mine?" James whispers
"Yeah" I say softly back, James and I both pack up the blanket and the remaining food we had left before heading towards his car
I'm not sure why but I felt quite nervous to be staying round his house again, maybe it's the fact I haven't done this for 5 years

Or maybe it's because I'm not familiar with his new place or who's going to be there but I also felt excited and a feeling I had never got with Mason but I couldn't put my finger on what it was

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