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As soon as we got back to my dads I rushed upstairs asking to be left alone, I don't understand what James is doing but I want no part of it
I grab my phone out of my back pocket and call Shannon who picks up straight away

"Hey Ri" Shannon happily sings "Shannon.." I sigh causing Shannon's tome to change instantly
"Wait Ri what's wrong? Has something happened?" Shannon asks
"I went out for breakfast today with Mason to that little cafe I always went to and halfway through our meal I look up and see James standing in the corner of the room just staring at me.. his expression was something I haven't seen before but it's not the James we knew.." I explain

"Wait no Eldon told me James had left town last night, why would he lie? Yknow what I'm going to add Eldon into this phone call" Shannon says
"I hope he picks up" I sigh and as I finish that sentence Eldon's voice is heard
"Eldon did James really go home last night?" Shannon asks "Yeah he did, he sent me a Snapchat saying he was home why?" Eldon says sounding very confused

"I was out for breakfast and halfway through the meal I looked up to find James standing in the corner of the cafe staring at me.. Eldon what is James playing at?" I sigh
"Riley it's so nice to finally hear your voice and I don't know, I think he still loves you even after everything he did! He was questioning me West and Hunter about you but we told him nothing" Eldon explains

"Oh no" Shannon gasps "I think he wants you back Riley.. this ain't good" Shannon continues
"No it isn't good, I don't want James.. what he did to me was awful why does he think I'll go back?" I softly speak
"He said something strange the other day though when it was just me and him but I thought I heard him wrong but now I'm thinking I heard James right" Eldon says "James was saying that you're his Riley, I don't think James is going to stop" Eldon continues causing me and Shannon both to sigh in frustration

"Eldon please talk to him and just say I don't want him, I know you've done that already but James is getting out of hand already! I'm supposed to be here enjoying my old home town but I can't even do that" I ask
"Of course I will, anything for you Riley" Eldon says
"Alright I'm going to go now guys, bye thank you for everything" I say before hanging up

I never knew James had this side to him but I don't like it one bit, I've moved on I'm happy so why can't he just leave me alone?
If James truly felt like I was meant for him and meant to be his then why the fuck did he cheat and do all the other stuff.. it makes no sense and the more I thought about it, the more confused I got

There's a light knock on the door with a soft "Ri? Can I come in?" From Mason
I open the door and straight away Mason pulls me into a hug whispering the things he usually does when I get like this helping me calm down
I explain everything that Eldon Shannon and I just spoke about and Mason reassured me that I'm safe but no matter how many times he tells me I just don't believe it

James is capable of so much more then he makes out and now he's being creepy and stalking me I can only think of what he will do to me or do to Mason
I've only got two more days here and both of them Mason dad and I all have plans together so I'll have both of them there to protect me

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