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(5 weeks later)

It is a warm summers evening and I had found myself at the steps leading to a place full of memories, good and bad
I take a deep breath as I let my feet guide me to where it all began.. the place I had got to spend alone time with James

The place where I had met some incredible people and danced away any emotion I ever had, my own true safe place. I had stopped dancing within a team when I left this town but lately dance is the only thing I've been thinking about

Walking through the halls I read the signs on the doors and I stop once I read 'Miss Kates Office' taking another deep breath I knock on the door before I give myself a chance to turn back around like I've done many times before
"Come in" an all familiar voice calls out making me slowly open the door to find Miss Kate sat at her desk with piles of paperwork around her greeting me with a grin from ear to ear

"Wow Riley I didn't expect to see you here" Miss Kate gushes before standing up to embrace me in a hug
"I know it's been too long" I admit causing my cheeks to go a shade of pink
"So what brings you here?" Miss Kate questions before going back to her chair while I sit in the one directly opposite

"Well I was wondering if you had an opening?" I timidly ask while playing with the rings on my fingers
"It depends who for" Miss Kate softly speaks
"It would be for me.. I want to come back to dance, it's all I've been thinking about" I confess causing Miss Kates lips to slowly form in a smile once again

"Oh Riley I thought you'd never come back, you're always welcome! The team is pretty much the same with a few new faces but you'll fit right in" Miss Kate explains
"Thank you, I was worried you wouldn't have room for me" I chuckle
"There's always room for you, A Troupe are in the Studio A right now let's go and surprise them" Miss Kate suggest making me nod my head

Miss Kate enters the room first and I could faintly make out what she was saying to the A Troupe
"Right guys! We have a new team member some of you already know her but I know every single one of you will make her feel welcome" Miss Kate explains gaining a few ransom people calling out some names of people who used to go here but no one mentioned mine making me giggle at their attempts

"Are you guys ready to meet her?" Miss Kate says and as soon as I hear a loud yes I open the door and walk in, I receive a loud shriek from Michelle, Giselle, West, Noah and Thalia and they all run towards me causing us all to end up in a massive pile on the floor

"Alright guys let's not injure Riley before she can actually dance again okay" Miss Kate playfully asks causing everyone to laugh
"So you're the famous Riley we always get told about" a tall random stranger asks making me very confused
"Uh you've been told about me?" I question looking around at everyone's face

"Yeah, we always get told you were this amazing dancer who helped the team win competitions and so on and so on" the stranger explains
"Oh I see, I mean it wasn't all down to me though" I giggle
"It was though Ri we couldn't win before but when you came along that all happened and then when you left it toke us a while to win another one" Michelle says
"Oh you're too kind" I gush

"How do we even know she can still dance" a voice I recognise but couldn't pin point asked
I try and find the owner of this voice and it all becomes clear when Maisie comes out from behind the group with a smirk on her face
Honestly I had completely forget she existed.. she hadn't of even been a thought passing my mind and to be honest if I walked past her in the street I wouldn't of recognised her. Maisie had black long wavy hair and she was now sporting quite a few tattoos

"Oh I'll show you I can dance" I smugly say causing a few murmurs to come from the people around before they clear the dance floor for me. I give Michelle a certain look trying to make sure she picks a good song for me to show these people I mean business

Once the routine was finished I look around and see majority of the faces looking at me quite proudly apart from Maisie who seemed to be sulking to herself
I make eye contact with the tall stranger once again where he gives me a wink with a cheeky smile causing my cheeks to blush
Michelle comes up to me giving me a big squeeze before whispering in my ear "His name is Luca"  only making the colour of my cheeks deepen

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