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I waited beside the lockers for Riley to return from her phone call, there was something about Riley that drew me in to her
I wanted nothing more then to explore that option and I hope no one else has that same intention with Riley

I hear the door creak slightly as it gets pulled open and in walks a distant looking Riley, so distant she doesn't even realise I was stood here waiting
Riley walks straight up to Michelle and they both dive into a deep conversation with little glances towards my direction

"Everyone listen up" Miss Kate shouts gaining everyone's attention "Considering Riley has returned back to dance, I'd like to involve her into the competition we've got next week. So on that note I'd like their to be a duet with Riley and Luca, I know it's short notice but I'm sure with both of your work ethic you'll get it done" Miss Kate continues

Now here's my chance to get to know Riley some more, I glance over to Riley who was already staring at me whilst biting her lip
It seems Riley is very much in her own head right now and all I want to do is help her escape whatever thoughts are in her mind

I walk over to Riley once Miss Kate and other people had left the studio
"Hey Riley, did you want to practice our duet tonight?" I suggest
"I'd love to but I had made plans, I can do tomorrow?" Riley sighs
"Yeah tomorrow works fine with me, I'll meet you here at 1?" I ask
"Yeah that sounds perfect, see you then Luca" Riley sighs again whilst she lacks the last bit of her stuff before throwing her bag over her shoulder and practically running through the door

I shake my head slightly before turning around to get my things and leave as well but as I do that I bump into West
"I'm so sorry dude" I say
"No no it was my fault too, I'm sorry as well" West says with a slight nod "There is something you need to know though Luca about Riley" West continues

"What's that?" I ask with furrowed eyebrows
"She's seeing her ex again he's called James, they used to date years ago whilst they danced together and they've recently started seeing each other again.. James can be extremely jealous but he's got the tendency to hurt Ri, you're a good guy but I don't want you getting hurt by James for just being nice to Riley" West explains

"That explains why she's been extremely distant today" I chuckle
"Thank you for telling me though West, I appreciate that and I'll stay away from that direction" I continue
"No I know you would of, it's just if James caught wind of this he'd go through the roof" West says making me nod my head before we both went our separate ways

Why would Riley go back to someone like that for? I understand you get attached but why would she go back if she knows what he's like
Riley deserves the world and if that means being her friend so she can realise that, then so be it
I'll happily make sure Riley is safe from the side lines

"Luca can we talk?" Miss Kate asks making me nod my head, I already knew where this was going
"I just wanted to ask about the payments, you're still behind my three months" Miss Kate asks as we enter her office
"I know I'm sorry, I'm trying my best to get it but with mum being really ill I'm struggling" I explain
"Your mums ill?" Miss Kate questions with concern written all over her face

"Yeah a few months back she went back to the hospital since she wasn't feeling well again and they found out the cancer has come back but this time it's even worse then before, at the moment I'm her full time carer when I'm not at dance or work" I confess
"Oh Luca I'm so sorry I had no idea, just focus on your mum and get the payments to me whenever you're able to okay?" Miss Kate softly says making me give her a look of gratitude before I head home to give mum her medication

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