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"Please Ri, you can't isolate yourself forever" Shelby begs making me giggle
"I mean I can and you know I can" I laugh causing Shelby to let a huge sigh of disappointment
"Just give us one night" Shelby begs again

"It'll do you good just to come out and forget everything" Shelby continues
"Ugh fine I'll come" I sigh, there's one thing about Shelby and that is she'll never back down
For the last few days Shelby Shannon and Sasha have all been begging me to go on a night out with them all

Since I saw Masons Facebook post the other day I isolated myself, I didn't know how else to deal with heartbreak. I was always the type of person who pretended they were fine but this time I just couldn't do that
What Mason did to me was so hurtful and it threw me back into the mindset I was in when I discovered James, a mindset I never wanted to return too

I wasted time by watching a series on Netflix and as the time came closer and closer for me to meet them I make myself get up and go take a shower
Shelby told me that everyone is dressing up tonight so afterwards I look through my wardrobe and find a two piece matching set of a pink long sleeve crop top and a pink skirt both with white pearls on it, I haven't been able to wear yet and pair it with white heels with straps that go up your legs and place them to one side

I apply some fake tan to give the illusion I actually have been going outside lately and let that soak in for the next few hours letting it develop, once it's the shade I want I jump into the shower and rinse off the top layer. I loosely curl my hair and start my makeup creating a dark smokey eye bringing the attention back to my face

Once I was happy with that I put my outfit on and take some pictures and check my phone, the girls have just left themselves so I make my way downstairs letting my dad know I'm ready
Dad has offered to give me a lift into town so it would save me walking or getting a taxi which I was extremely grateful for

We make it to the car park and straight away I notice the girls stood at the end waiting for me
"Wow you girls look incredible" I gush as I get out the car giving a quick goodbye and thank you to my dad
"We can say the same to you" Shelby says with a smile on her face
"Yeah see this is the Riley we all know and love" Shannon gleefully says making us all giggle before we make our way to wherever our legs lead us

I have no idea what the time is but we've all found ourselves in a night club, dancing our problems away. I need the toilet so I make my way to the toilets and I decided to go alone because I know that the people I'm avoiding aren't in here
I successfully make it to the toilets and do my business and on the way back I bump into a tall brunette and as they turn around they seem extremely familiar

I was extremely drunk by this point so my vision was blurred but it wasn't until he leaned down and shouted in my ear "Long time no see" I realised who I had just bumped into
However instead of getting scared like usual I pull him down so our lips crashed together a wave of passion and every emotion filling every inch of my body

I have no idea why I did what I did but it isn't until Shelby pulls me away from James that I realise what I had done and that's when I start to beat myself up about it
I always thought that James was going to be the one for me and after what he did I obviously changed my mindset but lately he's all I've been thinking about and adding alcohol into the mix it certainly doesn't help

I keep finding myself turning around to stare at him and I even pull out my phone and unblock him on my social media, if James is anything like I remember I'll have a friend request in a matter of minutes

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