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It's been a few days since the competition and somehow James has managed to convince me to go to dance this evening
I have received multiple messages from Michelle trying to explain herself but I ignored every single one, I didn't have the energy to listen to her attempts at explaining why she ever went and spoke behind my back to someone I barely knew but either way it was disrespectful

I drove myself to The Next Step trying to get into a mindset where I wanted to actually spend time with these people but I couldn't really do it, I'll just keep myself to myself and that's all I can really do
I'm one of the last people to turn up and if I'm right the only person we're missing is Luca

"Hey Riley" Michelle timidly says to me as I walk past her but I don't even give her a glance causing her to sigh
"Right everyone! I still haven't figured everything out for the next competition so because of that if you just get together in groups, make routines up and once the next competition is public we'll go from there" Miss Kate announces

We all nod our heads and start getting into teams and figuring out different routines together
West, Noah, Sam and Justin are the first group
Thalia, Michelle and Maisie are the second group
Nicole, Dustin and Giselle all pair up as well leaving me by myself

"Are you okay being the solo then Riley?" Miss Kate asks me causing me to nod my head
"Right that's settled then-" Miss Kate starts to say before a massive bang comes from the studio doors. In walks an readable Luca looking worse for wear
"On that note Luca you and Riley can do duets together" Miss Kate explains causing Luca to scoff

"I'm not dancing with little miss daddy issues" Luca spits making a few of the teammates including myself gasp
"That's enough Luca" Miss Kate sternly speaks but that only seems to aggravate Luca
"I'm not dancing alongside her" he spits again
"What's happened for you to start acting this way" Miss Kate asks in frustration

"Nothing" Luca blankly replies but everyone knows it's a lie
"You need to explain yourself" Miss Kate asks
"You really want to know that bad huh?" Luca scoffs
"Yes I do and if you want a future with this team you'll explain it right now" Miss Kate demands

"Here's a bit of back story for you all since you're all dying to know! The weekend before the competition I had a nurse come out and tell me that my mum was looking at a couple days before she passed away and can you guys take a wild guess at what happened the morning of? Oh yeah my mum died early hours which was why I was late but thanks for each and every one of you for biting my head off before letting me explain myself" Luca explains

"I'm so sorry Luca" Miss Kate gasps "I'm honestly so sorry" She continues
"It's fine, I've not told any of you for sympathy.. I want you all off my back so I can dance" Luca replies while setting down his bag before grabbing his headphones from his pocket and putting them on blasting music and dancing as if no one else was here

Everyone else just looked around at each other not knowing what to do
I can only speak for myself but I felt extremely guilty for going off at Luca.. I had no idea his mum was poorly let alone dying

I walk up to Luca and stand in front of him before engulfing him into a hug, neither of us speak but eventually he wraps his arms around me while burying his head into my shoulder making my arms tighten around him
We might not of been close but Luca deserves a hug right now, he deserves people to be around him
No one should go through this alone

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