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I could hear the beeping of a machine going off next to me and the soft snores which I had missed over these last few weeks making me tighten my hand that was placed within James' grip causing him to snap his head up to me making me smile at him
"Oh Riley" he gasps before jumping up and hugging me tight which I try and do back but I haven't got that much strength within me currently

"I missed you so much" I whisper in James' neck as a few tears fall down my cheeks
"I miss you so much too my love" James replies before pulling away and planting a kiss on my lips which I return, some things are so simple but being able to kiss and hug the person you love the most after the weeks of hell you've been through really does feel comforting in a way

"How's Dad?" I ask "How's he been coping with me being kidnapped?" I continue but the more words I speak the less eye contact I get from James meaning that something has happened
"I need to talk to you about that" James sighs causing my heart to beat faster and the heart rate monitor to beep quicker alongside it making it extremely obvious I was anxious

"Basically Patrick came over about a week after you were taken and at this point I didn't know that you was, I thought you had left me and was just ignoring me but anyway Patrick came over and we got talking and he was the one to realise that you didn't just pack up and go and then shortly after that we were supposed to meet and he never turned up so I went to his to go and see wha was going on and I found him on the floor.. he's currently in this hospital but his cancer is spreading at different rates all over his body and they have no idea how long he has left, I haven't left this hospital in days I'm not going to lie" James explains with a slight chuckle

"Thank you for being there for him" I reply
"I'm always going to be there for him and you.. I just wish I realised sooner what had happened so you would of been found sooner" James rambles
"James honestly it's okay, I wouldn't of noticed either if it was the other way round" I softly say grabbing his hand in mine
"How did you even get back? When did the police find you?" James questions

"It was actually someone who was there, they were meant to stop me from escaping however there was quite a few of them who wanted to help me so they helped me escape" I explain
"Do yknow who?" James asks
"It was Luca.." I reply
"Luca? The one you used to dance with? How on earth did he get mixed up with Beth" James asks

"After his mum passed away he up and moved and got mixed up with the wrong crowd, Beth knew some dirt on him which is how she got a bunch of people at that house but once people realised the reasons why and that I was pregnant they didn't agree with what she was doing" I explain causing James to nod his head
"I'm glad you had someone there that you knew and I'm grateful people helped you" James says softly before planting a kiss on the back of my hand

"There is something else we need to talk about" James says
"Has something happened?" I ask
"It's about the twins-" James starts to say before a knock at the door interrupts our conversation, we both look over at the same time and see Jonah stood on the other side waiting for us to signal him in which James did. Jonah walks in with a big smile and a clipboard before turning his attention to me

"I know you haven't been awake for long but we need to go to theatre and have the twins, with the beatings you've received we need to get them out since they've stopped growing, they're fine other then that but for their safety we need to have them today" Jonah explains causing my heart to sink that bit more

I haven't even recovered from this how on earth am I supposed to look after two babies in the state I am.. what am I supposed to do?

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