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Waking up this morning I can still feel Riley's tight grip around my waist with her head resting on my chest, the exact same way we both feel asleep last night. I slowly try and slide myself out of bed without waking Riley up and thankfully I'm able to do so

I grab a pair of shorts and a top to quickly put on before making my way downstairs to make Riley and I some breakfast
I make the same one I used to make her all those years ago and I pray that she still likes it

Whilst I'm almost half way through making it I hear little footsteps heading towards the kitchen, I look up to met the gaze of my little sister Piper
It's rare lately that I ever see her and especially with my bad habits I'm usually avoided within this household

"Morning" I softly say to Piper with a small smile placed upon my lips
"Morning stranger, who are you making breakfast for?" Piper asks with furrowed eyebrows
"Riley's upstairs" I chuckle knowing Piper won't believe me and I know I'm right when I look back up towards her to see her rolling her eyes at me

"I'm being serious Piper, Riley is upstairs asleep in my bed" I chuckle
"Yeah I don't believe that James" Piper chuckles shaking her head before looking in the fridge
"I'll bring her downstairs after we've eaten and prove it" I smugly reply putting the last of the food onto our plates and taking it upstairs

I quietly place down both of our plates on the bedside table before gently placing my hand on Riley's shoulder while calling her name
"Morning, I've made you breakfast" I whisper to Riley as she stirs between the covers
"You made me breakfast?" Riley mumbles while rubbing her eyes
"Yeah I have, it's here" I softly say as Riley sits herself up in bed before handing her the plate

We both sit in silence as we enjoy our food and Riley finishes before I do, something that never used to happen
"Wow someone was hungry" I say in shock making Riley giggle
"Yeah I was really hungry, I worked up an appetite last night" Riley giggles whilst slightly blushing causing me to do the same

I finished my breakfast before turning to Riley
"Piper and my mum will be downstairs, do you want to go down and say hi?" I softly ask unsure of how Riley will answer
"Yeah I'd love to see them again, it's been quite a while" Riley says with a smile on her face
"Shall we get dressed and go down now? Then we can always go off and do something just us afterwards?" I ask

"Yeah that sounds like a great idea" Riley softly speaks before planting a lingering kiss on my lips before getting out of bed to put on the dress and pairing it with the black cropped jacket from last night
Once Riley was ready I pulled her into a hug before running my hand through her soft long hair

"Are you ready?" I whisper causing Riley to nod her head, I plant a kiss on Riley's forehead before placing her hand in mine and heading downstairs
We arrive at the bottom of the stairs and I turn towards Riley to see if she was ready to go in the front room and Riley gives me a small nod to go ahead so we enter

"See guys, I told you Riley was here" I smugly say gaining their attention from the tv and it's safe to say they both looked like they saw a ghost
"Wow for once James was telling us the truth" Piper chuckles before standing up to pull Riley in a hug with my mum following shortly after

"Oh we've missed you love" Mum whispers to Riley before pulling away and guiding Riley to sit on the sofa to join them which we both do
"Does this mean you guys are back together?" Piper asks causing us both to blush

"We're just friends" I chuckle taking a glance at Riley, I'd want nothing more for her to be mine but right now isn't the time
"What a way to make it awkward" mum giggles while gently tapping Pipers arm
"I just like to know the important details" Piper giggles

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