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I was woken up by breakfast in bed and a freshly made coffee, it was something so simple yet so thoughtful and James looked extremely proud of himself but I couldn't figure out if that was because of last night or this morning

We had agreed in having a lazy morning before I had to go to dance practice this afternoon and to be honest I was quite thankful
James and I had a movie morning watching all of our favourite movies that we used to watch together and honestly it was something that made me feel safe

This James now is absolutely incredible, yes he did stuff in the past and he went MIA but it was for a good reason and I respect James for telling me even if it was later then needed
If the way we're going currently stays this way then I see us working out in the long run, it's true what they say that if you're meant to be with someone they'll always come back and I truly think James is that person for me

I must of drifted off to sleep since I got woken up by James once again with some lunch
"You're one sleepy head today" James chuckles
"I know I'm sorry, we were meant to spend time together and all I've done is sleep" I softly say sitting up in bed to eat some food

"It's alright you clearly need to sleep" James softly speaks while planting a kiss on the top of my head
"Must of been from last night" James jokingly sings while giving me a wink joined with a smirk
"Oh you're so proud of yourself aren't you" I giggle making James nod his head proudly

I giggle once again before diving into the pasta James has made me, a dish we used to always eat before dance so it provided us with energy
Something I didn't know James would of remembered since I used to always make it for us and I never realised he payed any attention to what I used to do

"Thank you for that my love, that was delicious" I say after taking the last bite of my meal
I quickly check the time and see I haven't got long to get ready and be at the studio in time to meet Luca so I get up straight away and put on a pair of black shorts with a matching bra and jacket to go over the top so I'm covered up

I give James a quick kiss on the lips before heading out the door, hopefully we're only gone for an hour since I hate leaving people in my house while I go out and do whatever I need to do

I manage to arrive before Luca does and head into Studio A, I decide to warm up with stretches and afterwards since Luca is still not here I put some music on and let myself dance to it

"You're a very good dancer" a deep voice speaks once I finish
"Of course you come in while I'm dancing" I chuckle to myself, I got so caught up in dancing that I didn't hear Luca walk in and I wish I had
"We can use some of that dance moves in a routine but first we need to figure out what kind of dance we're doing" Luca says

"We could do a story telling one about one of us or a love one or something that connects with everybody.. what do you fancy" Luca continues while he slowly walks towards me 
"Well I'd like to do one that's something everyone can connect to, everyone goes through trauma or an experience that's similar they just go through it differently" I explain making Luca nod his head in agreement

"I like that idea" Luca says in a tone I couldn't quite detect
"I wanted to do a love one to be honest, get to know you a bit more" Luca continues
"Uh I'm sorta seeing someone" I confess hoping he doesn't make any advances at me
Before I knew where James and I stood I would of flirted back however from the last 12 hours I can tell James truly wants us to work and I don't want to be the reason it doesn't

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