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(2 weeks later)

Everything had its place on our home, there wasn't a brown box in sight which made me extremely happy and since every other room was complete
Apart from one very important one it's time James and I sorted it all out, the second bedroom was quite spacious meaning the twins would be able to stay in the same room for a good few years before they got too big

All of the furniture was here and ready to be put together along with all of the clothes which had been washed and dried ready to be put away
"I can't wait to meet them" James beams as he gets ready to put together the first cot while I did the second one
"I know it isn't long now though, we're already halfway" I softly reply

"Do you wish we found out the gender?" James asks
"No I'd rather wait and see, we've got enough clothes if they're a girl or a boy and a bunch of gender neutral clothes" I reply "Do you wish you knew?" I continue
"No I'm glad we've done it this way" James answers

"Are we set on names?" James asks after a few minutes of silence
"I think so" I giggle "I mean we've got a few of our favourites but we'll only be able to name them once they're here" I continue
"Yeah you're right" James chuckles

It's been a few hours and majority of the nursery was ready, we had put together both cots and both wardrobes so it only left the dressers and putting the clothes away
James and I picked a woodland theme and the more it was almost ready the more full of excitement I became doing this with James was something I had always wanted, it was something we had dreamt about when we first met each other and now it's a reality is just crazy to me

I feel James' arm wrap around my waist with his hands over my stomach feeling the movements
"I wish they would come out already" James moans
"They'll come out once they're ready and they're nowhere near ready right now" I giggle
"I knowww I just don't want to wait any longer" James groans causing me to giggle again

"You're so impatient" I say turning around to poke his nose gently
"Let's hope they don't get that trait of mine" James replies while leaning down placing his soft lips on mine
We're soon interpreted by a loud knock on the door causing us both to jump, we wasn't expecting anybody so we both went towards the door together with James taking the lead

James opens the door cautiously revealing nobody stood there causing James to look back at me very confused
"Oh there's something in the floor" I say pointing down towards our welcome mat neatly placed in front of our door
"Oh what is this" James sighs before bending down and picking it up before examining the note carefully

"What is it?" I ask after a few moments of silence
"Uh you don't want to read it" James says before crumbling it up in his hand and walking towards the kitchen placing it in the bin
"What is it James?" I ask again only gaining a shake of James' head before he went back upstairs

I stand there completely confused.. what happened to no secrets?

I slowly walk towards the bin grabbing the piece of paper and opening it up to reveal the message inside

        I wouldn't get too comfortable love birds and I suggest you both keep a close eye on those children of yours, it would be a shame if something was to happen

No doubt that'll be the infamous duo Beth and Maisie we hadn't had anything from them up until now and of course they're threatening our unborn babies
I now see why James didn't want me seeing it but threats like this can't be swept under the rug

I make my way upstairs to James and he can tell straight away that I had looked at the piece of paper
James instantly stops what he's doing and embraces me into a hug while stroking my hair
"It'll be okay, nobody will ever hurt our babies" James whispers into my ear and as much as I wanted to believe that we all know the lengths those girls have gone too in the past and the fact they're threatening babies makes me think they will do something once they're here

Beth and Maisie are both extremely petty and they'll stop at nothing to achieve what they want and right now I know they want to hurt us or even me since I'm with James and she isn't
I mean prison hasn't even stopped them.. it didn't even change their mindset so I'm sure they're both fuelled that much more

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