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(2 months later)

Today was finally the day, it had felt like this day would never happen for Riley and myself and it did feel like I was dreaming but here we are packing the last boxes into the moving van
Today was the day that we get to collect our keys and move into our new house and we couldn't be more excited

I know that Riley has been beating herself up since her dad is still quite poorly but he would only get worse when the twins arrive so it felt bittersweet as well
We weren't far away at all so if Patrick did need us we are able to get to him quite quickly but that isn't the point

I've been trying my best to help comfort Riley but I know no matter what I say she's still going to be in her head about this
I've found the best way to help comfort her when this happens is just to hold her and skin trace somewhere on her body until she's calm again and sometimes this helps in a matter of minutes but sometimes it can take multiple hours but either way I wasn't complaining

"I think that's the last of it" Riley sighs as she places her hand over her bump, the last few weeks Riley's belly has been getting bigger and bigger by the day, it's honestly crazy how fast they can grow
"Alright let's go say goodbye to your dad and we'll be off, okay?" I ask Riley softly
"Yeah let's go do that" Riley replies with a slight nod of her head before turning on her heels and heading into the front door

We had already said bye to my mum and Piper earlier this morning when we had collected all of my stuff so it was only Patrick left
We both enter the front room where he's sat watching the tv and as soon as he notices us standing there he gives us the usual warm smile he always has done

"I'm so proud of you guys" Patrick gushes while standing up to embrace us in a hug
"I'm gonna miss not living here" Riley whispers
"I'm gonna miss you too poppet but you need to be settled in your own place with James" Patrick replies while wiping some of Riley's tears away
"I'm always going to be here" he continues only making Riley cry some more

The reality of that being true wasn't the case anymore..
Patrick's cancer isn't going away, not in the slightest..
The treatment he's on has stopped the spread but it isn't disappearing so at the moment we're all just hoping for the best

We have no idea how long Patrick has left but we're hoping that with the treatment he's on it stops the spread for a while so he can live a bit longer
He needed to see the twins.. he just needs too..

We all continue to embrace everyone in a cuddle while each and everyone of us cried
Today marked a huge day for Riley and I but it makes it so much harder to leave while Patrick is so sick, all we want to do is spend time with him but I know he's getting sick and tired of being babied by us so we need to give him his own space and prepare for the twins like we should be doing

We eventually let go and dry our faces before saying another goodbye and heading out the door
Riley and I only turn back as we're about to get into the moving van and we spot Patrick standing in the window waving us goodbye with more tears making their way down his face which only sets us off once more

I close the drivers side door and let out a sigh before looking over at Riley who had tears streaming down her face
"I just don't want to leave him James" Riley says whilst breaking down
"It's okay, we're not far from him and we'll come and visit all the time" I reply softly while pulling her into another hug
"It's just difficult since he's so sick, he tried to put on a front but we both can see through that" Riley sighs

"Yeah I know but just because we're moving it doesn't mean we won't be seeing him again, we'll always be coming over and we'll always make sure he's alright" I reply while stroking Riley's hair
"Alright let's go see our new house" Riley's says after a few minutes
"Are you sure? We can wait a little bit longer if you'd like" I ask causing Riley to shake her head
"It'll only makes it more difficult" Riley sighs

I turn the key to start the van and make our way to our new house, its incredible that the first one we went to go see was the house we are able to move into and I know things like that doesn't happen often so I felt extremely lucky
I place my left hand on Riley's thigh and in return Riley places her hand over mine and strokes the back of my hand with her thumb, one of my favourite things she does

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