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I couldn't shake what Dad had said to me.. it just kept replaying in my mind like a broken record stuck on repeat. I can understand why Dad wants to go and I can imagine he's in quite a bit of pain but my selfish side wants him to be around forever

I needed my Dad now more then ever, Emily and my Mum haven't been in the picture since finding out the babies are James' and if that's the life they want to live then so be it, I'm not forcing anything
I look over at the twins as they lay peacefully in the incubators holding each other's hands as they sleep, just proving that twins truly are the best of friends and I really hope that stays the same

Me and Emily used to be so close that was until we started dancing and Emily started her own life doing whatever it was she was doing then I moved in with Dad and that just made us all drift apart but I hope Tommy and Poppy aren't like that
Family in my opinion is the most important thing you can have whether it's family through blood or through a bond you share with a friend, I've got more friends who are family then actual family at this point but I'm not complaining they're the most supportive people I've ever met

Speaking of my friends earlier today I told Sasha Shannon and Shelby about the twins being here and they couldn't be anymore happier for me, they would of stopped by but neither of them are in town
Shannon's off on a holiday with her boyfriend; they're the cutest pair and compliment each other perfectly
Sasha is off visiting family a few hours out of town and is there for the next few weeks
And Shelby is off with her boyfriend for a few weeks having a little holiday without leaving the country; something that the pair of them loved to do

It helped with distracting my mind from my thoughts however as soon as the phone calls ended they started right back up again and this time round nothing could stop them
I'm pretty sure James has picked up on me being off, I mean the boy can read me like an open book and I'm still unsure if I like that

"Hey love, here's your coffee" James announces as he walks back into the room handing me over a piping hot coffee, something I've been needing quite a lot lately
"Thank you" I say with a warm smile as I attempt to take a sip but in return all I do is burn my lips
"You never learn do you" James chuckles
"I can't help myself" I giggle causing James to shake his head at me

"You never told me how your visit with your Dad went" James says
"Uhm yeah it was alright" I reply
"I don't believe that for a second, what actually happened?" James asks
"Basically Dad spoke to me and we had a big cuddle where we both cried but when I tried to get him to eat or drink he told me he was ready to go" I explain while looking down at the floor

"He wants to go?" James asks with a puzzled expression on his face
"He wants to die James.. he doesn't want to live anymore! He wants to give up" I reply causing James to gasp
"No he can't.." James sighs "My visit with him was so different.." James continues
"What do you mean?" I question

"Well he spoke to me as well but he never mentioned that he was ready to go.. he told me he couldn't wait to meet Tommy and Poppy and I said that I'd ask the nurses if we could take them down to see him soon and he was over the moon to hear that, I told him what he's missed out on since you got back.. it was like normal times when we would hang out at home all together" James explains
"At least you got a good conversation.. I hope Dad continues to fight.." I reply

"Hey guys" Savannah says with a warm smile as she knocks on the door
"Hey Savannah" James and I both say in unison causing everyone to laugh
"I've just got the results back and both twins are able to come off their oxygen for 2 hours per day which will slowly increase meaning tomorrow you're able to take them over to see your Dad, Jonah filled me on saying that he's in the hospital but I don't know the details before you think he's been gossiping about your family to everyone" Savannah explains
"That's honestly the best news" James says whilst smiling at me
"Dad will absolutely love it" I say while taking James' hand in mine

Will Dad hold on for another day? I hope so..
I hope that seeing the twins Dad will want to fight again, I mean he has too right? He needs too

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