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After my conversation with Riley I can tell the way I'm approaching things aren't they way she would like them to be
I honestly thought Riley would like this, she used to love adventures and having that thrill and excitement in things but I've clearly misread the room

I think of ideas I can do to try and show Riley I genuinely have changed and there is a place I can take her for a date if she'd let me, well I've got a few ideas really so if one doesn't work I can always try again
I write out a message to Riley to apologise and make things right and fingers crossed she believes the words I write

James~ "I'm so sorry I scared you, that wasn't my intentions at all. I remember you like thrill and excitement and I just interpreted it in the wrong way so I really am sorry Riley. Can I please take you on a date and make things right?"

I truly meant every word of that, I really do but all I can do now is wait for Riley to reply
I take a drive to The Next Step in hopes that it'll still be the same timetable as it used to be and if it is the studios should be empty

The car park only had one other car so it means I'm right and things haven't changed, I slowly walk the halls remembering of all the fond memories I have in this place. I had left dance about 3 years ago and it was a decision I have regretted every since
I walk into Studio A to find it empty so I play some music and put every single one of my emotions into my dancing

"Wow James you've still got it" a soft voice speaks from the doorway making my heart drop a little
"I didn't even hear you come in" I softly say back
I make my way towards the vending machine in the hallway to grab a drink feeling her hazel eyes following my every move

"I'm guessing you got my message" I ask while taking a sip of my water
"Yeah I did, I appreciate you apologising to me but in what works would I love being stalked?" Riley laughs
"Honestly I don't know, I don't know why I decided to do that, I'm sorry" I chuckle back

I never realised how bad I had gotten and I'm glad I realised before Riley gave up on me
"How did you know I was here?" I ask
"I didn't know, I wanted to dance and was hoping it would be the same schedule as it used to be" Riley giggles ticking a strand of hair behind her ear

"How about we dance together?" I suggest raising an eyebrow making Riley do the same before heading to the centre of the room. I've kept every song Riley and I have done a duet to so I go through and find one of my favourites and hit play hoping she'd remember it too
And the look on her face suggests Riley does

Dancing with Riley felt exactly like it used to do, I hate myself for what I did to Riley and the more time I spend with her the more I realise how much of a fuck up I really am
I embrace Riley into a much needed cuddle where she hugs me back just as tight, we slowly pull away and I question whether or not I should kiss her

I slowly lean in and gently press my lips against hers before pulling away slightly but Riley pulls me back in and deepens the kiss causing waves of passion to fill every inch of my body

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