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It's been a few days since the twins arrived and they're in the NCIU since they need some help with their breathing however they are able to come off it every now and then just to see if they're improving and one twin is while they other just needs some extra help

"Hey love" James says while passing me a coffee before looking over them
"They're both so beautiful" James gushes
"Hey strangers" Jonah says stood at the door with a big smile on his face "Can I come and meet them?" Jonah asks causing me to nod my head
"Oh look at them, they're so cute! Congratulations guys" Jonah gushes
"What's their names?" Jonah asks

"Jonah meet Tommy and Poppy, the newest additions in our crazy life" I reply
"Oh I love their names" Jonah softly says "I also came here to talk to you about your Dad" Jonah continues causing my heart to drop
With all of this drama going on and being in our newborn bubble I completely forget that Dad was in this hospital fighting for his life, does that make me a terrible daughter? It certainly feels that way..

Who can forget about their Dad at all let alone when they need someone the most? Wow I truly am a horrible child.. Dad deserves better, so much better then me

"He is deteriorating, he won't eat or drink or even talk to anybody at all not even me.. I was just wondering if you could go round there today just to try and help" Jonah asks causing me to nod my head straight away
"I'll go over there now with you, James you'll stay here with the twins please? Then once I'm back you can go over and try he might be missing his best friend" I say with a slight chuckle causing James to smile as well
"Yeah of course Ri go and spend time with your Dad" James replies softly before turning his attention over to our children as they sleep soundly

Jonah wheels me over to the ward that Dad is on and I'm grateful I didn't walk not that I can really walk that far anyway as we approach the doors to Dads room Jonah brings us to a stop
"I just want to warn you about the way Patrick looks, he isn't how you saw him those few weeks ago" Jonah softly says
"It's okay Jonah, I'm sure he'll be shocked when he sees me as well" I reply

Jonah knocks on the door before opening it up and bringing me inside and Jonah was right, Dad looked nothing like I remember he was just a frail man who looked so much older then what he was

"Hey Patrick, I've brought you a visitor!" Jonah beams
"Hey Dad, I thought I'd come by and see you" I speak up gaining the attention from Dad
He takes one look at me before bursting into tears and with the help of Jonah I stand up and embrace him I'm a much needed hug
"I've missed you so much poppet" Dad whispers
"I've missed you too" I whisper back

"The twins are here now too, I gave birth two days ago but they're in the NICU so I'm not sure when we'll be able to bring them over to see you" I explain
"What's their names?" Dad asks
"Tommy and Poppy" I reply
"Oh I love that, I'm so proud of you" Dad beams while wiping the tears off my face

"We can try and bring them over here within the next few days as long as they're doing alright without the oxygen machines" Jonah explains causing me to nod my head
"Yeah that sounds like a great plan, I'm sure you can't wait to meet your grandchildren" I say to Dad making him nod his head while more tears fall from his eyes, the one thing that looks the same on him

"Hey Dad you've got to do me a favour though okay? You've got to start eating and drinking again, get your health back up to where it was-" I explain
"No poppet, I'm ready to go now" Dad says interrupting me
"No no don't think like that, the twins need their granddad within their lives okay, you've got so much left to live" I explain while trying to fight off even more tears

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