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"I don't have to go if you don't want me too" James says repeating himself for the millionth time today
"No it's okay, you'll be gone for 3 days and that's not long at all" I reply
"Yeah but with Beth and Maisie-" James starts to say
"Hey you can't not go because of two pathetic girls who won't grow up, this is a fantastic job opportunity you're going" I explain causing James to sigh

"If anything happens no matter how small it is, tell me straight away and I'll be on the next flight back" James said
"Of course I'll let you know love" I softly reply giving James a final kiss goodbye before he had to leave otherwise he would be late for his flight

I would be lying if I said that the second the door closed behind James I felt extremely alone
I obviously didn't want to be left alone here with Beth and Maisie's antics but I couldn't let James miss this opportunity

I mean the last couple of days we hadn't received anything else and before our first one it was 2 weeks so I'm praying it's another 2 week wait before they decide to start again
I lock the front door and make my way around the house to lock every single window and close the blinds and curtains as I go along hopefully making it seem like no one was home

For the rest of the afternoon I hardly move from the sofa and I would be lying if I said I wasn't in my head about the whole thing
I only notice that it was getting late by the darkness coming from behind the curtains darkening every room further

I head towards the kitchen to make myself some dinner and I decided on making a curry since it was simple and you can't exactly go wrong with that
It takes me around 15 minutes to complete and once it was all plated up I went back into the front room to eat it and watch the series I started watching earlier

Halfway through my meal I realise I forgot to bring a drink with me so I head back into the kitchen to grab one and on the way back I see that another piece of paper has been posted through the letter box this time
I slowly walk towards the front door, the sound of my heart thumping in my chest getting louder and louder the closer I got

I pick it up and slowly open it trying to stop my hands from shaking so much but as I read it my heart sinks immediately

  Awh you're all on your own Riley that makes it so much easier for me
     Good luck you're going to need it

I take a picture before ripping it up and placing it in the bin, I don't understand how they knew I was alone..
I don't understand what exactly they're going to do but I've got everything locked and I've kept myself in the dark so it looks like I'm alone so I'm hoping it makes them think I've left too

I know James told me to tell him but I refuse to make him worry when he's so far away, I'll deal with this situation alone
I make my way back into the front room to continue eating my dinner and as soon as that was finished I head straight upstairs and get ready for bed
With how stressed I've been lately I've made myself extremely fatigued so I know getting to sleep wouldn't be any trouble

I slowly drift off to sleep but it was soon disturbed by the sound of glass breaking
A sound coming from downstairs.. I guess me pretending I wasn't home was a stupid idea and Beth and Maisie never fell for it

I'm definitely now fucked

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