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The last 48 hours I hadn't heard a single thing from Riley, I've tried her own phone multiple times along with the house phone and not a single one was picked up and none of my messages were replied too
Considering Beth and Maisie being the way they are I would be lying if I wasn't thinking the worst right now so I decided to cut my work trip short to come home and figure out what's going on

The flight and drive home felt so much longer then what it was supposed to be and I couldn't calm my thoughts at all
It got to the point where I couldn't focus on my driving like I should of been and I began to swerve between lanes and miss my usual turns but thankfully the roads were quiet since it's almost 2am

I eventually pull into the drive and Riley's car is nowhere to be seen along the street or in our driveway there was no need for Riley to be anywhere but here so where an earth is she
I pull into the driveway and practically run towards the front door unlocking it and heading inside turning on all the lights as I go through each room

The house looks like it hasn't been touched at all, everything was placed neatly where it was supposed to be. Not even a glass out of place or a random plate left out from Riley's dinner the night before but there was nothing
I finish searching downstairs and head upstairs towards our nursery since that door was open, maybe Riley was in here?

I flick the light switch on and find the room how we left it before, everything exactly where we left it and once again no sign of Riley ever stepping foot in here since I left
I shake my head before heading into our bedroom, surely out of all the rooms she would be in here but that still doesn't explain where her car is

I slowly open the door and turn the light switch on before letting out a little sigh I enter the room to find it completely empty with the bed made up neatly
This house looked like a show home.. everything was spotless, like no one lived here at all
I sit down on the bed before I notice a folded up piece of paper that's been left on the pillow, the paper matched the bedding which is why I didn't notice it to begin with

I unfold it gently and as I read the words my mind can't process any of this
Is this really what Riley wanted?
I never knew she was unhappy..

To James
Sorry to do it this way but I can't be with you, everything with Beth is way too much and I can't handle it
I also can't get over the fact you lied to me about you and Beth, that's something I should of been told about
Once the children are here we'll figure out coparenting but until then I want no contact with you


How did I not see the signs?
I get Beth is a lot to handle but I never thought Riley would leave me because of her..
We also spoke about me and Beth and I thought we had sorted all of this out..

My mind becomes full with every memory it could of Riley and I and my mind becomes more and more confused
How long has Riley wanted to call it off with me..
is that the real reason Riley wanted me to leave for work? So she could pack her things and leave

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