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I suggested for James to come round mine when I got back from The Next Step since my dad wasn't home for the next few days and I'd rather have a conversation with him without any ears about
Not even five minutes after I get through the door James knocks, I let him in walking towards the kitchen so I could sort us some dinner for the evening

"How was dance?" James asks leaning upon against the counter whilst I searched the cupboards
"It was quite nice being back there to be honest, all the memories came flooding back though" I explain
"Yeah I can imagine it was, many people we know?" James asks
"There was a few actually which surprised me, West Noah Michelle Giselle and Thalia" I explain
"But there was someone else there.. someone I never thought I would see again" I softly say zoning out of what I was doing

"Who is it?" James asks with furrowed brows whisky making his way over to me and putting his hand on my shoulder
"Maisie" I whisper looking into those big brown eyes, the ones which filled with worry immediately
"Maisie? Why out of all those people, it's her you see and have to deal with" James mutters angrily

"I have a feeling she's going to cause some trouble but if that's the case I'll go straight to Miss Kate and she can deal with her" I softly say with sigh
"It'll be okay she won't do anything to you, I'll make sure of it" James says before planting a soft kiss on my forehead

"Any other news about dance?" James continues
"Yeah Miss Kate is making me do a duet with someone I've never met before, his name is Luca there's a competition next week" I explain
"Have you guys practised yet? That's not really much of a warning is it" James chuckles
"No we haven't, he asked to do it tonight but I said I had plans so we agreed to meet tomorrow to try and get something sorted" I explain

"I hope you sort a routine that shows how incredible your dancing is" James says
"I hope so too otherwise some members on the team might want me kicked off" I giggle causing James to do the same
"Right for dinner we can have some spicy noodles or I can order us a takeaway, I thought I had more stuff here" I explain

"Ooo I'd love to have sons of your spicy noodles" James says happily
"Spicy noodles it is then" I agree whilst grabbing all the things I needed for it
I double check the things I've placed on the counter and I made sure I had all the spices, noodles, eggs and I even managed to find some steak which I wanted to add in to it as well

Once I'm happy with everything I've got I grab the pots and pans and get started, it was a quick meal but one I really loved to do
It's not a secret I'm obsessed with food but at the moment noodles are my absolute favourite especially spicy ones

As everything is almost finished James walks into the kitchen following the smell of the food
"Wow it smells good in here" James says while sniffing the air
"Its almost ready too" I say looking back at James who's now trying to eye up the food
"Good I can't wait to eat it" James softly speaks before making his way over to me, wrapping his arms around me

It doesn't take long for it to be plated and it takes a shorter amount of time for James to scoff down the whole meal
"Do you even breath while you eat?" I laugh looking down at both our plates
"Yeah I do, it was too good not to eat that fast" James says wiping his mouth
"Got any more?" James continues making me laugh
"There's some more in the pan" I explain causing James to jump up excitedly

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