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James and I both pull away from the kiss at the same time, both of us left breathless
"Where we going for this date then?" I breathlessly whisper making James smile
"Oh you think I'm going to tell you?" James chuckles

Now this is the James I know and love
"Alright it was worth a shot" I laugh making James do the same
"Can you at least tell me the date and time and what to wear?" I ask "Well we can either do a casual or dressy date it's up to you" James suggests
"Hmm let's do a casual one" I say
"Oh thats a good one, dress warm and it's tonight at 7pm, I'll come and pick you up" James explains

"Sounds good to me" I say before leaning up and planting another kiss on James' lips before heading towards the doors
I take one last look behind me and I catch James doing a little excited dance to himself making me laugh
I'm so glad James is showing this side to him, this was the side I fell in love with all those years ago

I get home just before 6pm so I rush upstairs and have a shower before searching my wardrobe for something to wear
I finally agree on black mom jeans with a green short sleeve crop top and a green pair of Nike dunks to pull the outfit together, I dry and style my hair into a half up and half down using a clip instead of a hairband pulling down two front pieces to frame my face

With my makeup I kept it natural, I always think that natural makeup suits my face more and just as I put my brushes down and tidy my makeup up I get a text from James letting me know he's here
I take one last look at myself in the mirror while grabbing my oversized black cropped denim jacket and then make my way to James' car

I told dad majority of what's going on and he's happy if I'm happy but I've been warned to be cautious and that I definitely will be
My gaze meets James' and he has a grin from ear to ear on his face while he looks me up and down
"You look so beautiful" James gushes as I take a seat in the passenger side
"Thank you, you look so good as well" I say while looking James up and down also

We drive towards the school so I'm assuming we're heading to what used to be our spot for a picnic, I noticed in the back there's a big wicker basket but I won't spoil it. I know James is working hard to surprise me

We park up next to the entrance and James grabs the basket before taking my hand in his and leading us towards our spot, just as I thought
James has decorated the tree with fairy lights and as we get closer I realise James has also hung photos of when we were together

This was truly one of the sweetest things anyone has done for me and I really was grateful James has done this
"It's so beautiful here, thank you for doing this" I say while I take a look at the picture we toke the same day we became official, I had forgotten about the time we spent together at the tree house but all the memories came flooding back leaving a small smile of my lips

"I've gotta make things perfect for you" James says while taking out a giant blanket for us to sit on before bringing out some food for us
As we take a seat, we talk about everything that's happened since we last saw each other and I'm not going to lie it was really nice

I've missed James and I'd be lying if I said I didn't have any love there anymore, I have always loved James I just tried pushing it to the back of my mind.
"Ri can I ask you something" James timidly asks making me nod my head
"Did you ever stop loving me?" James asks not taking his eyes of the ground

"I've never stopped James" I confess gaining eye contact with those big brown eyes
"Neither have I" James admits before planting a kiss on my lips again, I deepen the kiss and put my arms around James' neck pulling him in closer
After a few minutes we pull away before this kiss goes any further but the look on both of our faces suggest we didn't want it to end

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