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James had finally come back early hours of this morning however we haven't uttered a single word to each other
James has just sat in the armchair across the room from me looking sorry for himself but regardless I couldn't really care less, he's caused this mess

Dad has been waking up every now and then over the last few days meaning I've had done of his company
Of course dad is aware of absolutely everything that's been going on with him and obviously James too

We've been able to talk to Jonah about dads options with chemotherapy and we start that later today when dad wakes up from his afternoon nap
I just hope this helps with his cancer or at least slows it down enough for him to see his grandchildren.. life is just so cruel and it's always the nicest of people who get the most shit

"Uhm have they found out what's wrong with him?" James finally speaks up making me scoff
"Yeah they have" I bluntly reply
"So what's wrong with him?" James asks
"He's got cancer James" I sternly reply
"Wait what? Why didn't you tell me?" James sighs

"I tried but after Beth came in you ran away like you always do and I was left alone, I was alone when they came to tell me! I had no one James" I spit tears forming in my eyes however I fight them back
James doesn't deserve to see my vulnerable side not after what he's done

"Sorry Riley I had something I needed to sort out" James sighs while shaking his head
"Oh you mean figuring out if Beth's child is yours, I already know" I scoff making James' eyes widen
"Wait you know? She hasn't told me of it's mine or not or how far along she is do I can work it out myself and in my opinion she doesn't even look pregnant" James explains

"Oh that makes it better? You think that sounds better?! You've got two people pregnant and if I had known that you was fucking Beth behind my back then I would never of gotten back with you, you don't deserve me James" I blurt out
"Yeah I know I don't, I'll change.. I'll better myself for you" James replies

"That's not good enough, all you had to be was loyal and you couldn't even do that" I say and no matter how hard I tried fighting the tears back, they still fell and as soon as one landed in my lap more came shortly after
"The only person that you think about is yourself, you don't care about anyone else and quite frankly I don't want you here" I say

"You want me to leave?" James says with shock written all over his face.. men truly are oblivious
"Yeah I do, I need to think about whether or not I want you in my life so you need to leave" I sternly say
"Ri please don't give up on me" James says with tears falling down his face as well
"The only person who gave up on me was you so why should I stay with you especially if Beth's pregnant with your child, it's damn right disrespectful" I spit

"Riley I found out a few days before your dad came back in here and it wasn't the right time to tell you" James admits
"So you knew when I was in hospital but decided to look for houses with me instead of telling me you fucked up?" I scoff once again
"Leave James seriously get out!" I shout getting frustrated and finally he listens and leaves, leaving me alone once again but that was something I was used to by now

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