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It's been a few hours since James went home and I've been sat in bed trying to weigh out my options but I seem to be getting nowhere
I grab my phone and call someone I know will help set me straight, it doesn't take her long to answer her phone but she's always been this way

"Hey Riri" Shelby answers
"Hey, you free to talk?" I timidly ask
"Always am for you, what's up?" Shelby replies making me sigh
"I knew something was wrong with you, you always distance yourself when something happens" Shelby continues

I swear this girl knows me better then myself sometimes..

"I don't really know how to say it" I sigh leaning further into my pillows
"I mean just say it however you want and I'll figure the rest out" Shelby suggests
"Well for the last few weeks I've been feeling sick.. I toke a test earlier tonight and I'm pregnant" I blurt out

"Have you told James?" Shelby questions
"No I haven't, you're the only person I've told" I sigh
"Well first of all I'm flattered and second James needs to know so you both can talk it through.. yes it's a big thing to go through and an even bigger one doing it alone" Shelby softly explains to me

"Yeah you're right, I'll tell James when the time is right I just need to wrap my head around it first and we aren't even together so I feel like it makes it worse and I don't want us to get back together especially if it's only because of a child" I explain

"Yeah I get that but you and James have been getting along really well and to be honest I think James would love the idea of having a baby especially with you" Shelby reassures me

I suppose she's right but what if she isn't?
What if James goes the complete opposite way we both think he will

" I just dunno how I should be feeling, I'm still in shock about the whole thing" I sigh
"It's a big thing to deal with, being parents aren't easy and doing it alone is even harder but eventually you get into the swing of things and it becomes a routine" Shelby replies

"Hold on James is calling me, I'll talk later" I quickly say
"Alright talk later, bye" Shelby replies before I hang up and answer James' call
"Hello" I timidly say but I receive nothing from his end
"James?" I call out trying to figure out what I'm listening to
"-she's just not giving me what you do-" I hear James say shortly followed by a females giggle

Is James with another woman?

I carry on listening in and I hear mumbles but couldn't quite make it out
"-is she pregnant then?" I hear the female ask
"No idea but I'm hoping she isn't, we aren't together and I'm not ready for that" James replies causing my heart to drop even further then it already has

I mean James wasn't wrong, we were together not have we sorted out our past issues but why is he talking to some random girl about our issues
I shortly hang up afterwards since I didn't want to hear anything else

I give Shelby a quick update before I turn my phone off and emerge myself into a Netflix programme
Thankfully I didn't have to see anybody apart from heading to work but that was 15 minutes away so I shouldn't be bumping into anyone I want to avoid

My head is even more scrambled now after hearing all of this and I know have no clue on what I should do

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