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It's been a few days since the we figured out that Beth had something to do with Riley going and the police have got absolutely nothing
There was reports about a disturbance here the night that Riley went missing but by the time the police got here everything was already pristine and brand new and because of this there have been no fingerprints no footprints and nothing they can turn into a lead

I've tried contacting Beth myself to see if she'd give me any hints but of course she wants to blackmail me into sleeping with her again however I would never do that in a million years
I just hope we don't find Riley the same way we did last time where she was badly beaten whilst being tied up in those rusty gross chains

Riley's been missing for a lot longer then she ever was before and with the twins due date getting closer and closer it's only a matter of time before they come out and we can't have that happening before Riley is even found. I've informed the police with all of this information of course but they can't exactly do much on empty leads

They've taken patrol cars out and checked any houses that look run down or have sketchy behaviour surrounding it but no signs of Riley
They've even taken the dogs out to try and trace Riley through scent however Beth thought ahead and covered up all of those too leading the dogs in a stupid little circle

I'm not going to lie but I'm giving up hope..

Riley's messages the other day too meant that we could trace them back but as we got close to at least finding the area she's in, her phone got turned off so we lost that as well
Because of all of this I haven't been able to work since my head is obviously still all over the place and I'm definitely not fit enough to be working

Patrick is supposed to be coming over later today so we can somewhat distract ourselves for a few hours. Lately Patrick hasn't been doing okay so I've been going and seeing him daily just to make sure he's stable. The last few weeks though Patrick has been losing quite a bit of weight and just not looking like his usual self

There's a light knock on my front door peaking my interest, normally Patrick will walk straight in so I know it won't be him however I wasn't expecting anything, so who could it be?
I open the big white door to see someone I never thought I would ever see stood there looking very sheepishly up at me

"What do you want now Maisie?" I sigh, the last thing I needed was even more drama then before
"Can I please come in?" Maisie asks causing me to hesitate before opening the door further and stepping to one side
We both sit on the sofa and I watch Maisie as she fidgets with the hem of her skirt pulling out strands of cotton every now and then

"So what do you want to talk about?" I ask breaking the silence
"I don't want to do this anymore James.. I'm sick and tired of being Beth's shadow, it isn't something I ever wanted to do but once you're in it's so hard to get out" Maisie explains
"Do you know where Riley is?" I ask
"I know the area but not the house, Beth has been blindfolding all of us until we're far enough away not to know, it's about 30 minutes away so it isn't too far" Maisie replies

"Typical Beth behaviour" I scoff causing Maisie to nod her head
"Is Riley okay?" I question
"She is, I know some of the guards there will take her food and water when Beth is elsewhere, one for hem will sit with her during the night so she isn't alone and I gave her her phone the other day I just haven't been able too since but Beth has been beating Riley up, the twins are fine but I don't know how bad these beatings will get and when Beth told me Riley was going to get kidnapped by her I thought she was joking.. until we had gone upstairs and Riley was behind locked doors" Maisie explains

"Can I ask you something?" Maisie asks causing me to nod my head "Is it true that the other week you slept with Beth?" Maisie continues causing me to laugh
"No I wouldn't go near her again that's for sure" I reply
"She told Riley that you guys did which made Riley talk back causing Beth to start the first beating and there's been a handful ever since" Maisie says
"God Beth really needs to grow up.. thank you, if there's anything you can go to the police with please do the twins due date is coming soon Riley needs to be out" I timidly explain

"I've already gone to the police anonymously" Maisie replies with a soft smile
Maisie and I talk for a bit longer before she finally leaves, hopefully with the new information the police can find Riley sooner 

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