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Since Riley left for dance by herself I've been sorting her room out for her, I'm even going to be cooking her favourite meal for when she gets back
I know that Riley hasn't been in the best state of minds recently and if me doing little things here and there for her will help then I'll do it daily

I check the time and Riley should be back home in just under 20 minutes so I get everything prepped and start dinner for us both
I hear the engine to a car and not long after I hear the sound of keys unlocking the door confirming that it was Riley's car like I had thought

I turn around to greet her as she walks into the kitchen however I turn to find Riley's face covered with disgust while her hand covers her mouth and nose
"What's wrong?" I ask with furrowed brows
"I don't know what you've done but something in here absolutely stinks" Riley muffles
"I've used everything you use.." I softly say looking down at the ingredients

"I double checked how you make it and I've copied it.. what have I done wrong" I ask
Riley slowly walks over to check and once she sees the ingredients Riley's face changes from disgust to confused
"That's so weird it smells different" Riley sighs while shaking her head

"Has anything else changed?" I ask making Riley turn to me
"What do you mean?" She replies
"Like has anything else changed with you? Have you been feeling sick?" I ask making Riley's eyes go wide
"Yeah I have, my smells gone weird too" she confesses
"I think you should take a test" I explain


I head upstairs to have a shower and get changed into something a bit more comfier and what James doesn't know is I've already got a test, I've just been refusing to do it
I pull it out of the draw and unwrap the stick so I can pee on it and those 2 minutes afterwards seemed to last forever

I started the shower and got undressed hoping it would make time go faster but it didn't, the longer I had to wait the faster my heart raced
I checked the stick once again and whilst it was in my fingers it tells me the outcome

An outcome I never saw coming.. I'm pregnant..

James and I aren't even together so how an earth is he going to take this?
We don't even have a house together and we've got so much we need to sort out how will adding a baby to the mix help any of that..

I take a picture of it before burying it in the bin and jumping in the shower trying to relax myself but it's safe to say it doesn't work
I chuck on a pair of leggings and a matching crop top before heading downstairs

I'll tell James on a later date once we have figured things out ourselves
I don't even know if I want a baby.. with Mason it felt like that was our next step in our relationship but it just never happened but instead it's happened a few months after with my ex

So many thoughts are racing around my head but I knew I had to hide them otherwise James would find out instantly but I just wanted to think it through first before telling anyone about this
It does explain why I've been feel in the way I've been feeling lately thought I just wish I had taken the test sooner

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