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As soon as Jonah had left the room I had my curiosity take the better of me but then again he wouldn't of left something there if he didn't want me to see it
I open the envelope to see a bunch of paper and it doesn't take long for me to figure out what I'm looking at

I put my hand to my mouth and it stays there for the entire time I'm flicking through these pages and as I'm almost finished James walks in
"Jonah said he's left something and I need to read it" James timidly asks
"Yeah it's here" I say in shock as I hand over the pieces of paper

I watch James' face as he reads it and it matches mine perfectly
"Is this true?" James asks
"It has to be, it's her medical records" I sigh
"That means she isn't pregnant" James sighs in relief
"It also means she's been going round pretending that she is.. how insensitive can someone be" I scoff

"I know she's honestly something else isn't she" James replies "that's why she never wanted to tell me dates because of it was when we last saw each other then she'd be about to pop, I knew she didn't look pregnant" James continues
"Have you read what she's actually got?" I ask making James nod his head
"Yeah she's got a cyst on her ovaries but can't that be dangerous if she leaves it?" James says
"Yeah it can be but she's ignoring it.. I just don't understand why she's doing this" I say

James slowly pulls me into a hug, something that we both needed
At least I know now that James has been loyal towards me and it's just Beth playing her old tricks trying to get in between us but surely after so many years she would of grown up but I suppose it's clear she hasn't

"I'm sorry I wasn't there for you, I should of explained everything but instead I ran away" James whispers in my ear
"Yeah you should of" I reply
"It won't happen again I'm so sorry" James says before planting a kiss on my forehead
"Awwh so me being pregnant hasn't broken you up, what a brave couple you are" Beth says and she stands in the doorway rubbing her stomach smugly

"Beth shut up we both know your secret so how about you go get that cyst of yours checked and keep your nose out of our relationship, it's very clear I want Riley" James sternly says
"What are you in about?" Beth says the smug look which was no long gone has been replaced with worry and a hint of being scared

"We know you aren't pregnant" I scoff "why would you lie about it?" I continue
"I want James how is it not obvious" Beth spits out
"How can you even lie about this especially when so many woman struggle to get pregnant and here you are prancing around pretending that you are just so you can get someone back, you truly are fucked up Beth" I scoff

"That's not true I'm pregnant and you'll finally see that when the babies here and when this baby is here you'll see that it's James' child" Beth scoff before turning around and marching down the corridor causing James and I to laugh at her

This girl will go through absolutely everything to get her own way and all it's done is backfire
I can't believe she's stoop so low especially lying about something like this but I couldn't thank Jonah enough for finding all of this out, I can imagine it was a difficult decision to decide to do

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