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Waking up this morning I felt no regrets for what I had done last night, yeah it was a stupid thing to do since James is stalking me and he is the reason Mason and I broke up but I felt no regrets towards the kiss
I check my phone and notice that I've had multiple messages from James

James~ I can't believe you came and kissed me;) shame Shelby had dragged you away
James~ Are you awake?
James~ Can we please meet? I miss you Ri

I don't accept the request so James is unaware that I've actually read them and take a screenshot to show the girls only reminding them of what I had done and I get ridiculed by each one of them
I laugh along with them because I knew this was coming, they all come from a good place and if any of them did this I would of been 10 times harder on them

There's a light knock on my door gaining my attention
"Come in" I say loud enough for my dad to hear, my bedroom door slowly opens up to reveal my dad stood there with a concerned look on his face
"Riley, what happened last night?" Dad asks but something tells me he already knows
"What are you on about?" I ask I'm close with my dad but he doesn't need to know about a drunken kiss

"You know exactly what I'm on about Riley, I just want to know that you're happy that's all" dad says
"Dad.. what are you on about" I ask again furrowing my eyebrows
"James sent me a message last night saying that you had met him instead of the girls and that you guys are back together" dad explains

"That didn't happen, I was with the girls and James was out too! I stupidly kissed him and he does this?" I sigh
I pull out my phone to show dad the messages James sent me to show James had in fact lied to dad, I don't know what James is playing at but this isn't the way to get me back

"Alright poppet I'm sorry, I just wanted to ask because it toke me by surprise" dad explains "Im making a fry up did you want any?" Dad continues making me nod my head
"Oo yes please" I excitedly say making dad chuckle at me before leaving my bedroom, once the door was fully shut I call the girls group chat and explain what just happened

None of us can explain James' behaviour, none of can make any sense as to why he's doing what he's doing but we all can agree on if this carries on it'll push me further and further away

I had no idea where I was walking too but o couldn't stay in that house, I needed fresh air to clear my thoughts. I had the breakfast dad cooked me and it's safe to say it was definitely needed after last night and as soon as I finished I went back upstairs to have a shower and get ready for this walk

So far I've walked past my old school and all the memories came flooding back, the good and the bad ones.. all the good memories making me smile slightly. I certainly missed living here

I was so deep in my thoughts I hadn't realised I had walked all the way to Parkour Alley, I hesitate to walk in but my feet quickly take over and before I know it I've walked towards mine and James' spot
I check around and the park isn't that busy and James isn't anywhere to be seen so I take a seat and take out one of my books

This book was about a lonely teen who had to move to a new area and was having trouble fitting into her new school because of the popular kids however there was a guy she had her eye on and it seems as if he's got his eye on her too
It's a new book that dad gifted me once Mason left me and this was the first time I was making time to actually start reading it

I lose track of time and only realised because the sun had set meaning I had been here for quite some time. I pack my things and make my way back towards my dads house
As I can see the entrance of Parkour Alley in sight I hear the rustles of leaves coming from the bushes to my left making me stop and check that no one is behind them but as I go to walk off again someone drags my body towards them

My whole mind goes numb as I try and gather what's going on but my attempts of fighting whoever this was off of me stopped once I saw his face
"What the fuck are you doing?!" I sternly shout
"I just wanted to see you" James says with a smirk on his face, does this guy find what he's doing humerus?

"Then ask like a normal person? Instead of stalking and messaging my dad bullshit" I spit while standing up and walking away
Every time I look back James isn't behind me but I do notice a car which I believe belongs to James following me home

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