✔Chapter 16 // Reaction

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They decided to eat there before getting back. Leah almost jumped off the cliff when she picked up her backpack from the floor and a huge black scorpion made its way onto her hand. Jungkook laughed and saw the poor thing run away. She poked him, annoyed about him mocking her, and trailed back ahead of him.

Jungkook was sliding down a rock when his foot didn't take hold and he instead fell with his butt softly on the floor, supporting himself on his right arm. He looked like a cartoon character falling cutely, Leah bursted out laughing before she extended a hand to help him up. He rubbed his arm and clothes off, half annoyed.

This should have been the end of it, but a few moments later the discomfort was too much. His arm was uncontrollably itchy. He stopped in his tracks to look at his right elbow and forearm, which had eased his fall. Despite the tattoos that covered his whole arm, he could tell everything was becoming red.

"Why are you stopping?" Leah asked, turning back. She walked up to him and slapped his hand, "Stop scratching, can't you see it's all red already?"

He grunted in annoyance. "But it's bothering me..."

"Yeah, clearly," she mocked, grabbing his hand to make his arm more visible. His tattoos were really imposing and observing them closely, she wondered what they were all about.

Jungkook tried to hiddenly scratch his arm from another angle and Leah swatted his hand. She ignored his protest and she looked at her own fingers, now no longer touching his arm. They were tingling.

She looked back down, was his arm swelling up?

"Shit, are you allergic to something?" She quickly asked, putting her backpack on the ground and fetching the water bottle.

He squinted his eyes, trying his best not to scratch his arm off. He grunted and raised his hands to rub his eyes and she slapped his hand so hard it echoed.

"What the hell?!"

"Don't touch your eyes! Don't touch anything!" She warned. His right arm was becoming visibly bigger than his left. "Shit, this won't be enough, we need to get back."

She started pouring water on his arm, which gave him a brief sense of relief, before becoming almost worse. "It burns!"

"I know, I'm sorry!"

"What is this?!"

"An allergic reaction to something you touched!"

He stared her down, "What the hell does that mean?"

She took a deep breath, "It means you don't touch anything and you absolutely do not scratch anywhere." His face contorted in a grimace, she was asking the impossible. But she insisted, "It should be harmless if we get it under control, but if you scratch, it can infect." He sighed between his gritted teeth. "And scar."

His eyes jumped from her to his perfectly tattooed arm. Hell if he was letting that happen.

He glanced at her washing her own hands. "What are you doing?"

"Getting whatever it was out of my skin. Although I don't think I'm allergic to it. I've fallen plenty of times and never had more than a rash," she shrugged.

"What, you did?" He put his arm behind his back, curling his toes to keep himself from scratching.

"Yeah, look," she said, turning around and raising her shirt. Jungkook's chin dropped when he saw her red painted lower back. "It's okay really, I don't feel anything."

He couldn't help being upset that he didn't notice that she got hurt before, but there were more pressing matters in his mind.

From then on they tried moving even faster. Initially, Jungkook followed Leah, but after a while he got ahead. He had to be focused on something else than his discomfort and she could keep an eye on him and yell or slap him before he could do anything stupid.

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