Chapter 51 // Gut feeling

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Jungkook got to the training grounds amidst the buzz and no one noticed him arriving. No one turned to see him, ran to him, flashed him a thousand times per split second, or screamed his name, and he contemplated what that felt like. He was so used to drawing every pair of eyes to him for just breathing, that for a second he didn't know how to feel. On one hand, it was weird, like something was missing. But on the other, he sighed in relief.

"Jungkook, there you are!"

As soon as Aaden's voice called, the feeling was gone. Nearly everyone in hearing range turned to him and he just nodded a hi almost in a bow, looking around to no one in particular as Aaden made his way.

"I want to teach you something important while I still have the time," he said once they were face to face.

Jungkook agreed and followed him to a clear space among the others. Aaden looked as strong as ever, but one glimpse at his eyes was enough to tell he was tired, maybe worried. Jungkook felt apologetic that the situation was falling on his shoulders like that.

"I want to teach you how to do a takedown."

Jungkook blinked and couldn't hide his apprehension.

"Have you heard of it?"

"Yes. Somsak mentioned it."

Aaden took out his machete, bigger than Jungkook's, and stared at it briefly.

"My mentor used to say that no warrior's training is complete without knowing how to do a takedown." He shared in a low tone, his eyes dull with an unspoken emotion. "Not everyone agrees, of course. Still, I have trained you personally so I'll finish it the same way it was for me. The next few weeks will be crucial if you want to survive this with your friends," his tone morphed to seriousness rather than melancholy. Jungkook quickly agreed. "Knowing how to do this move can make the difference."

Loud voices getting louder interrupted Aaden and they both turned to look. Ahead of them, three warriors were trying to help a recruit on how to hold a rifle in a good position while he seemed to be complaining about something. The gun was likely unloaded, but what happened next was still freaky.

Aaden walked up to them and taking the boy by surprise, in less than one second forced his gun down and reached his throat with the tip of his machete. Jungkook held his breath, it all happened so fast! The boy started panting about two seconds after it happened — that was how quickly it had been, his mind didn't even process it.

Aaden stepped down, "Perhaps before training him to use a weapon you should be training his reflexes."

His voice was cool but not harsh, yet the three surrounding warriors quickly agreed and scurried off, dragging the shocked boy behind them.

Aaden turned back, "Did you see it?" The youngest nodded. "It takes a particular mindset, not just skill. You've been shown how to use the machete by Somsak." Jungkook confirmed. "But this is different. Whether from stealth, from the back or front, or in a skirmish, using the machete to end an opponent in one second is a powerful thing."

Jungkook's stomach twisted; it seemed like a situation he'd never want to be in.

"All sorts of takedowns exist, but I want to show you the basics," he approached him again and used his machete to simulate. "From the front, you should aim for one of three places: the neck," he motioned as he spoke, "under the sternum, and from above, before the ribs begin."

He stepped behind Jungkook while he stood very still, intimidated by the situation.

"From behind you do the same, only from the back. The neck," it would have slit his throat. "The sternum, but be careful about the ribs and spine, avoid large bones. And the lungs and chest from above," the blade was close and moving as if to stab downwards. "From the back, you can also aim for the kidneys," he felt the blade just where his rib cage ended. "It's excruciating then and you'll know they could never recover from it."

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