✔Chapter 31 // Self

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Leah didn't have nightmares that night and she woke up belly up with a lazy stretch. It was a sunny hot morning, as usual, and everyone else was still asleep.

She looked to her side and there he was: Jungkook was sleeping on his belly with his face turned to her; his right arm, still roughed up, was extended in front of him, between them as he slept soundly. There was a rush inside her when she remembered their encounter the night before — the way he grabbed her hair, pressed her body against his, and invaded her mouth as if it belonged to him. She had an urge just thinking about it, a want, and her hands descended along her body to try to simultaneously please and calm herself down. It backfired of course, because the more she tried to settle down the more turned on she became.

She took a deep breath and stopped her hands from going any lower, stopping at around her belly button. It was wrong to do that with him there, with Namjoon in the same room for God's sake, no matter how horny she was.

She turned on her right side, arm under her head, and watched him sleep for a bit. Did she regret the night before? No. Nope. Not a single bit. The fact that she actually managed to sleep for once and even woke up excited was indicative enough. Should they keep on doing it?

She looked at his gorgeous lips, then away. She wanted to, she wanted it to be a yes. She would wake him up with gentle soothed caresses on his exposed skin, then pet his hair. She wouldn't probably resist kissing him and would do anything to put him in the exact place he was the night before, where he just grabbed her and took her. She started heating up at the thought.

She turned belly up again, refusing to let those thoughts fly. Thank goodness Namjoon was in the room, otherwise, she didn't know what exactly she would use to deter herself from making her dreams a reality.

She got up from bed to go to the bathroom and tried burying all thoughts that involved succumbing to urges. To answer her own question, probably not. She still feared to be the reason something bad happened to him.

Jungkook awoke numb. He hid his face in his pillow for a second, then turned back to the same side. He was only becoming coherent when Leah sat down in bed and lay by his side. She turned to him and instead of saying hi, like she usually did, she just observed him with a smile. His senses woke up precisely because of that smile, that open tease, like an invitation. He remembered distinctly having her in his arms, her tears, her fears, her taste, her scent. It was too much for a recently awakened Jungkook, but if he had ever doubted that moment between them happened, her expression would have definitely confirmed it.

He kind of expected her to move closer, to touch him somehow, to kiss him, or not, to just tease him. Observing her expression, he realized he not only expected it but was also waiting for it. Yet, she stayed put in place. He wondered why but decided not to say anything. The night before she didn't know if it would be a one-time thing, and he wasn't going to pressure her in any way.

Leah got up from bed and decided to prepare breakfast. She was starving and in need to think about something different. Like what the day was going to look like. While she cooked some eggs and cut mangoes and bananas, Jungkook and Namjoon slowly woke up and got ready and she was immersed in thought.

She kept considering Jungkook's dilemma with fighting. As she understood it, he had the technique and knowledge to be whatever he wanted in what warrior culture concerned. His conflict was all internal and it likely related to hurting people, or to the real dimension of consequence and responsibility one's actions could have. Yet, when they had been against each other in the jungle, he was entirely competitive. He fought her, even if for brief moments of time. He wasn't completely averse to it, he just had to make the jump and she had an idea to help him.

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