Chapter 55 // Descending into hell

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Jungkook snapped awake, sitting back up in the chair. He looked around him in confusion while trying to massage his tense neck.

He was in a room at the clinic and Maya was sleeping in the bed in front of him. He thought nothing of it and his first thought went to where Leah was. Then his second censored him for it, and when he got to why, his memory smashed him with reality.

The previous day was...

He closed his eyes, releasing the air trapped in his lungs. A nightmare. This was a reality he didn't want to live in. He let Namjoon die, he was right there in front of him. The memory of him falling was still fresh.

Nothing could justify it, nothing could bring him back or placate that deep pain in his chest. He could not raise his head, he didn't deserve to breathe. How would he face his hyungs and tell them? How would he go home when Namjoon wouldn't come with him?

He remembered the cartel members he killed the night before and he felt absolutely nothing. He opened his eyes and observed Maya peacefully sleeping. She reminded him of Sleeping Beauty, of the sleeping princess. Indeed she was very beautiful, Edna told him she was seen as a bit of a princess around the tribe because she was Daniel's niece. She certainly seemed to receive that treatment, having been given a bed and care when she was physically fine, despite some other people left outside.

But she was still a victim, like many others. Like the girls crying in that house when he entered and shot the two men who were harming them before. Just thinking about it filled him with fury. He clenched his fists and leaned on his knees. They tried doing the same to Maya, and they would have done it to everyone if given the chance. It was despicable, unforgivable, and enough to make him want to beat them up to a pulp.

But Namjoon was... the light of his life. No, the sun of his life. He wasn't just a friend, he was a brother. The one who guided his path and made sure it became the amazing life he had. There would be only night and cold from now on. He couldn't accept he was... gone. Gone, gone where? Somewhere he could not follow? That's not possible, life can't go on like this, not without him.


He wiped his tears quickly with his hands before raising his head to face Maya. "Yeah?"

"Are you okay?"

He nodded, a careful and mastered neutral mask falling over his features. If not for his red eyes, no one would tell he cried.

Maya was still worried, "I can—"

"No, I'm okay." She was getting out of bed and he got up in a fluid moment, "You should rest some more."

He turned and left quickly, leaving Maya sitting with her legs on the edge of the bed in silence.

She was sweet in trying to comfort him, but he didn't want it. He didn't need it and he certainly didn't deserve it. He walked through the Amanaki clinic, which was maybe three or four times the size of Ella's without paying attention to the people observing him. He was strong, he would figure it out, even if it hurt to breathe.

The blazing sun greeted him blindingly and he had to close his eyes for a moment. In that singular moment, he could feel a pair of arms hugging him closely from the back and a chin taking support on his shoulder.

Our golden maknae.

He nearly stumbled to his knees, catching himself at the last second. Tears coursed his cheeks quickly and he hid his face in his hands. Fuck, he felt like a child, but he couldn't not sob. Fortunately, no one seemed to pay him any mind. He felt like when he was fifteen, he would cry from homesickness and Namjoon would keep him company, cheering him up. He needed that desperately.

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