✔Chapter 36 // Tatau

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Leah woke up startled and immediately noticed the bed was empty next to her. She sat up to observe the room; she no longer had the IV on her arm and the sun was setting outside.

She got up slowly and wondered where Jungkook was. Voices could be heard from beyond the door, so she walked to it as she rubbed her eyes, then froze. She could distinguish that voice anywhere.

"You're exaggerating, hyung," it was Jungkook's voice. He sounded exasperated more than upset.

"I'm not, I'm really not," Namjoon's voice was tense. "You keep obsessing as if the path in front of you is black and white, and it isn't."

Leah bit her lip. She was eavesdropping, she shouldn't, but would it be a good thing to interrupt them?

"You've proven yourself, you don't have to go further." She could hear the strain in Namjoon's voice, Jungkook was probably avoiding him. "Let's just steal the radio and make a plan like we said we would..."

"And we will. Nothing has changed," he replied with a deep breath.

"Then you don't have to go forward with this."

Another deep breath, "I do, they'll help us if I do it. It's just a tattoo, I couldn't care less. I'll remove it later," his voice was dismissive and Leah looked at the floor.

"There are more implications to this than just ink on your skin. You're not thinking this through, Jungkook!" She heard yet another sigh and decided to interfere. Her hand moved to the door handle. "This is a cult you're becoming part of. Think of Leah!" Her hand stopped. "She'll do it too and who knows what the consequences will be for her."

There was a silent moment in which her breathing sounded too loud to her ears. Her eyes closed to focus on any sounds. It felt wrong to hear their conversation behind a closed door, but now she was curious. What would he say?

"She doesn't have to do it..." his voice was quiet, she barely heard him.

"But she will!" Namjoon was holding onto that one hope. "She said she made a promise." A couple of silent seconds passed. "Don't smile, this is serious!"

"It is! Of course, it is! I'll be by her side, nothing bad will happen to her."

Namjoon became exasperated, "You can't honestly expect to be by her side all the time. What if they separate you? What will you do then? This might change you forever, you need to—"

A door opened and the voices quieted down. Leah felt a pang of anxiety in her chest and not even hearing Ella's voice in the room soothed her. She was willing to do it, despite not loving the idea of marking her body with symbols she didn't understand. But now, listening to Namjoon's words, she was forced to confront the probability of it not being just a tattoo, but something else. What if they did separate them? What if they forced them apart? Would he defend her then? Would he stay by her side? If it meant getting his friends, would he leave her?

She didn't want to think about it. She just opened the door and rubbed her eyes because of the lights.

"There she is!" Ella was smiling brightly and neared her quickly. "How do you feel?"

"I'm okay," she glanced at the two men.

Jungkook was sitting on Ella's desk and looked stunning. He was wearing only black shorts and had nothing else on. His right arm tattoos were almost completely healed and almost no skin was peeling off anymore. His black hair was neatly brushed back and he looked both intense and innocent. He offered her a smile.

Namjoon had his back turned while he pressed his temples. He had a headache and it reflected on his otherwise gentle expression. He turned around to greet her and she knew he knew she heard part of their conversation; her doubts were probably showing.

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