Chapter 67 // The board

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"Well, I don't have a spare mattress or bed but I can get you a bedroll," Ella suggested, scratching her chin. Jungkook nodded quickly and Leah smiled.

"That'd already be something."

Ella nodded, "But are you sure you don't prefer to go home and sleep for a bit?"

"I can't. I need to be here when he wakes up."

Ella understood and turned to leave, but before she asked, "Should I get two?"

"No, just the one," Leah told her. "I slept the whole day and I want to go through the laptop as quickly as possible."

The doctor nodded and left the room for a moment in which he asked, "Are you sure you should stay? You should rest and be comfortable."

"I don't want to go over the contents of the laptop alone," she confessed with a small smile. "I much rather stay here with you."

He was nodding with a gaze that told her he didn't want to be alone either when Ella reentered the room, "Some things looked pushed around in the storage room, but the bedrolls were all untouched, surprisingly."

She gave the one in her hands to Jungkook, who asked, "Surprisingly?"

"There were some... noises earlier. You'd think they'd use a bedroll but who knows, maybe they didn't need to lay down."

Ella was trying not to laugh at both Jungkook and Leah's faces flushing while they attempted to be surprised.

"Anyway, I know I'm giving you one now, but please don't—"


Leah was wide-eyed looking at her and she just smirked, "I'm just joking." She opened the door to leave but not without saying, "It's not like you'd listen to me anyway."

She closed the door behind her before Leah could react, but she still rubbed her crimson cheeks, "She's so terrible sometimes."

Jungkook was pressing his lips not to grin despite his flushed cheeks. An older version of him would have cared about who knew and thought what, but at this moment, he couldn't. Who cared who knew? They were together, as part of each as could be, and that was exactly what he wanted. The life he wanted.

He moved closer to her to try to relax her a bit when he noticed she was crossing her legs closed. He was instantly worried, "Are you uncomfortable?"

She looked at him, shining green eyes matching beautifully the color of her cheeks, "You mean with Ella knowing what he did in the storage room?"

"No, I mean," and he waved down at her crotch area before putting his hands on her waist.

She instantly smiled, "I'm good."

"I'm sorry, I should have cleaned you or—"

"No," her hands were on his wide shoulders now. "I like it exactly where it is."

They stayed like this for a quiet moment: she, clenching and feeling the sweet traces of him still inside her, and he, looking at her lips and reviewing how all of it felt.

"I wish I could see it." She instantly perked up. "It was the first time I—" He was talking quietly, not embarrassed but cautious of saying it out loud, and yet her wanton eyes glistening at him had his confidence surge. He immediately knew he had to tell her, "I came inside someone like that."

She bit her lip before leaning closer to whisper, "You've never released your cum raw inside someone before?" He shook his head and her hands moved to the sides of his neck, "Does that mean I'm the only one you ever made yours like that?"

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