Chapter 70 // Island Port Hotel

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Jungkook grunted; everything felt wrong. He opened his blurry eyes, recognizing that he was kneeling on the floor and that the blazing sun was scorching his back. His neck hurt like hell, hence his haziness, and as he tried to come to, he realized his wrists were tied behind his back.

He heard steps as a pungent yet sweet smell hit his nose and had him frowning. A second later, just as he raised his head, something was thrown over him, splashing his face. The smell coupled with the tangy coppery taste freaked him out instantly and he tried getting up, but a strike in the back of his neck kept him kneeling.

He shook his hair out of his face and looked around. They were in a fairly well-preserved room, with tinted glass walls, crystal chandeliers, high-end finishes all around, and a red rug with patterns that extended as far as he could see. He didn't need to look back to know there was a balcony and the sound and smell of the jungle and sea confirmed to him that he was still at the same place. However, his heart picked up on the problem at hand quickly.

Jin was sitting on a chair in front of him in drenched clothes with bruises and cuts all over him, including his bust lip and eyebrow. He looked tired, with glistening eyes and slow blinking, but what drew Jungkook's worry was the smell and watching Noah kicking things in the room behind Jin. Chairs, writing desks, shelves, and beds, he was kicking and destroying everything around him in an access of rage. Jungkook looked at Jin again, desperate to know if his hyung was alright, but Jin just looked down.

That almost smothered Jungkook's heart.

"He's awake, boss."

Jungkook's head snapped towards a man behind him who was coming into view. The cartel member had a rifle in his hands, sunglasses, and a red bandana hiding his face, but Jungkook could tell he was smirking. Jungkook ignored him and just tried to get his hands free before Noah came stomping his feet and fuming. His rifle and pistol were still on him, just like his machete, but he gritted his teeth in annoyance — with his wrists bound there was nothing he could do.

"I have only one question," Noah snarled, bloodshot eyes suddenly so close to Jungkook he grimaced. "Are you alone?"

Jungkook's heart shook as he widened his eyes; so that was what Noah wanted. His mouth opened to answer but a sound shut him up, "Jungkook?"

His stomach fell to the floor as his heart raced unbearably. His reflex was to lower his head so that his longer hair falling out of the bun could keep covering his ear or rather, his earpiece.

"Answer me!"


He just pressed his lips with his hair over his eyes, anxiety brewing in a melting pot inside his chest for a gut-wrenching second.

Noah grabbed his hair on the top of his head and pulled him to face up, "I asked you a question!"

"Should I go and get you?"

"I'm alone!" He grunted, trying to get loose. She wouldn't be able to hear him because he couldn't reach the radio button and the panic was surmounting uncontrollably. His heart was on his throat as the sweat mixed with the gas that had been poured over him and stung his eyes. "I'm alone!!"

Noah let him go, stepping away right about when Leah muttered, "What the hell is happening?!"

Tears flowed from his eyes as he let his head hang again. It was the sting and desperation, but his lips curved — she was so worried about him but he just wanted— no, needed her to stay away.

He only raised his head when Noah kicked a chair so hard it instantly broke its legs, "FUCK!!" Then he grabbed it and threw it and Jungkook squirmed, calming down instantly when the chair passed barely a palm behind Jin. "If this is how she wants to play, fine!!" Noah turned to the bandana man, redder still, "Go and continue downstairs."

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