Chapter 79 // The reverse of the coin

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You can still use the 🔪 to tell me how you're coping - I had way too much fun with this chapter, you'll love it 😁


 Two days earlier

Her eyes fixed on the blue horizon; the idyllic view tantalizing as the breeze momentarily brought to life the ocean's surface, reflecting the clear sky a little more. Beyond it, a giant imposed on the skyline, seemingly trying to reach above. It looked dark with the vast jungle covering it all the way to its peak, and although she knew it was the huge island, from there it looked but a hint of its size.

Noise continued behind her; words blurring in the background as she squinted her eyes. The view reminded of the paradise she had raised for herself, yet reality was seeping through.

"Miss Stella?"

She closed her fists, annoyance instantly spread on her face before she turned. The older man addressing her flinched in his blue stained lab coat, but managed to clear his voice.

"Did you hear what I—?"

"Yes," she hissed, crossing her arms over her chest.

The white sleeveless jumpsuit hugged her form as her body tensed up unbelievably. She turned to face the window again, seeking a reprieve, but the view only angered her further. It was those savages, Leah, Noah acting like an idiot, everyone ruining everything

"So... She's not coming?" The same scientist asked tentatively, and she snapped.

"She's not here, is she?!" Her piercing eyes were enough to shut his mouth. "Didn't I tell you to keep going without her?"

"But it's basically impossible," someone said behind the first man with a befuddled tone. Her eyes moved on to this new, younger, guy whose disheveled hair matched the crazy going around in that lab. "The test subjects overdose too quickly, even with a higher percentage of the right enantiomer."

"The degradation products cause increased toxicity, which wouldn't happen if the compound was pure," the senior scientist was sure of his deduction, and was eying the youngest with exasperation.

"That's speculation—"

"Dr. Leah's simulations show the receptor's affinity is higher for the degradation products," the former argued, and she sighed. "We need to purify the right molecule."

"It's not possible."

"Her simulation shows that it is, we just haven't found the right parameters."

"We've tried everything!"

"Clearly not!"

"Maybe if Miss Stella would give us a hand—"

A gunshot echoed, causing everyone in the room to flinch, including the technicians and researchers working further in the back, near the computers or lab counters. All turned around in time to see the youngest and newest scientist falling back on the floor with a thud. The hole in his chest was glaring, as was the smoke exiting the revolver on Stella's hand.

She huffed, unnerved by the exasperation refusing to leave her body, and waved the gun with a hint of tiredness, "Anyone else want to question my decision-making?"

She eyed the senior scientist, who raised his hands and shook his head, then every personnel, until she heaved a deep breath. Not that she was satisfied, but at least it was quiet now.

She stepped to the senior scientist and the main lab door was kicked open, with two men armed with rifles jumping in. Her glare crossed the room at the speed of light, daring them to disturb the fucking quiet.

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