Chapter 45 // Unspoken

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It was too hot. Jungkook could literally feel the drops of sweat forming on his brow and descending his back, which was something he hated. Yet he was smiling politely and talking with the three women who decided to flock to him, as Ella would say.

The three of them were alright. They seemed nice enough not to be overbearing, but persistent enough to keep asking questions. They weren't fighting each other, but there seemed to be a friendly rivalry between them as if he was a prize to be won. He was used to those kinds of tropes and overlooked them completely, it was none of his business. He wasn't a trophy to be won, and anyone who treated him like that would never be able to get his full attention or commitment.

"Which one of us do you think is prettier?" One of them asked, batting her eyes sweetly.

He learned through the years that voicing how they were acting childish or foolishly didn't earn him any points. So he swallowed his sigh and smiled as gently and politely as he knew to be enough, "You are all very pretty."

They looked at each other and giggled, starting to comment his words between themselves. If their appearance wasn't enough, he knew by the way they spoke they had to be younger than him, maybe above twenty, but not by far. He had no problem with younger women, but as a general rule, he steered clear from all of them to not create any friction in the fanbase. Of course, that rule didn't apply there, he reminded himself, but—

The girl on his right side took a step forward and touched his tattooed arm, apparently very concentrated while tracing the figures with her fingers. He recoiled his arm automatically, not bothering to hide a cold look when her brown eyes looked up. He disliked being touched randomly.

The girl blushed and the others moved closer to him. "I want to touch them too!"

"Even his tatau is impressive, with the three disciplines in it." They kept discussing him as if he wasn't there and his mind shut off.

He rubbed his eyes, he was too tired. He disliked being a buzzkill, and he could see how their eagerness could enchant some other men at that party, but it just wouldn't work on him. He had too much going on.

He felt his arm being touched again and he lowered it so he could see who it was this time. His eyebrow was raised and he knew he didn't look too friendly. The girl in the center, either the most experienced or older, faced his gaze with surprising resilience as if she was taking on the challenge. She didn't stop touching him either.

"If you can't choose between us, I say you don't have to," she said in a clear provocation. The other two giggled, clearly in agreement with what she said.

For a split second, he evaluated her features to see if she was serious. Her dark eyes were shining, she wasn't embarrassed, not even blushing, and her lips were curved in a teasing fashion. She wasn't joking.

He considered her words then. He wouldn't have to choose, so he supposed she was proposing a foursome. That wasn't something that happened every day, he had to admit. He kind of wondered what the logistics of that would be. A crazy, rebellious part of his brain was entertaining the thought because how could he not? By his silence, they must have realized it because suddenly they were closer and more daring in their touch.

And that pissed him off. He repressed a sigh again and his eyes quickly scanned everyone around them. Namjoon was also encircled by women, but they seemed more respectful than that bunch. Somsak was speaking to someone he knew well, based on the smile on his face, and Aaden was dancing with a blonde. Ella was a bit further away, surrounded by all sorts of people, and then he noticed. He blinked to scan the area more properly, totally ignoring the women around him. There was a shade of white that he couldn't quite see anywhere.

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