ch.1: Check In- New York City

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Dedication : I dedicate My first chapter to my lovely Moluccan_girl

She is an awesome writer and a great person too. :) y'all really should check out her works. :) x

- New York City -

Mingyu's POV:

After 3 flights per day, 14h 20m duration of air travel, the airliner finally landed in New York City. To top it off, I was welcomed by a downpour. Great!

"Good evening Mr. Kim. I am Henry, your chauffeur." A middle-aged man greeted me, unfastening the velcro of an umbrella.

"Good eve." I greeted back, stepping under the umbrella.

We walked towards the lot and got into a black coupé, which was sent by the hotel. Henry started the ignition and we headed towards the lodge, where I will be staying for a week.

It is evening by now, I'm stuck in a car jam and the rain just don't seem to cease.

"Day one in NYC and it's getting better and better." I thought to myself. (Sarcasm intended)

I was rotting inside the car, waiting for the green signal when I heard a commotion from a nearby pavement. I craned my neck out off the car glass to see what was going on.

I saw a group of boys molesting a girl. I decided to get out of the car to help her but the signal went green and all the vehicles started moving. Aishh!

My driver turned on the car but I just couldn't let those blokes molest the girl so I directed Henry to park the car aside and then I walked towards them.

"Hey!" I called, causing them to look at me.

"Leave the girl." I shouted.

"And who the fcuk are you?" the boy who was grabbing the girl's arm questioned.

"I said, leave. the. girl." I ordered.

"Or else?" he hissed. Before he could say anything else I punched him hard on his face, causing him to fall on the ground.

The other boys got petrified and stepped back.

"Or else I'll beat the shit out of you." I answered him. The boy stood up, clutching his jaw.

"Get the hell out of here before I call the cops." I threatened them and in no time they were all gone.

"You are stronger than you look." The girl thanked me. (Sarcasm)

"Why so?" I chuckled.

"You don't look like you can hurt anyone." She said shivering.

"Well, then surprise, surprise." I grinned. She just gave me a tight-lipped smile, as if she was faking it.

She was wearing a trashy dress making me suspect her profession but I decided not to ask.

"Why were those boys hovering around you?" I asked another question instead.

"Well I'm a stripper so they were taking advantage of me. Great life isn't it?" She said in between the shivers, clearing my doubt.

"Oh." was all I could say. I was cursing myself for asking that question. She gave me a small smile.

"I'm Kim Mingyu by the way." I extended my hand with a slight bow, dispelling the awkwardness.

"I don't know who my parents are; I grew up in an orphanage but ran away when I was 13. I don't have a surname, so it's just...Hyurin" She shook my hand.

"Ah! Korean!" I exclaimed.

"So where are you planning to go now 'Just Hyurin'?" I jokingly asked her, hoping she'd feel better.

"I couldn't pay my rent, hence I'm living rough. So I'll just sleep on the park bench for tonight." She replied, her lips quivering due to cold rain. I felt sorry for her.

"Well... Why don't you come with me to my hotel room? Then tomorrow I'll help you look for a place to stay." I proposed.

"Thanks for the offer but I'm not in a mood to strip for ya." She retorted. Her words stung me but I tried to keep my cool.

"I'm not telling you to strip for me. It's raining heavily, so I'm offering you a place to stay. You can trust me. I saved your life." I corrected her.

"Okay Superman. Take me to Krypton." She sighed and ultimately gave in.

"Let's fly then." I chuckled and we darted towards the car.


Author's Note :

Hello beautiful carats. :) It's my chapter 1 of this book, hope you enjoyed reading it. I will post 2nd Chapter Tomorrow. :)

Anyway, here's a little IMAGINE for you with MINGYU:

[Imagine: You are spending some time with Mingyu in his hometown and you both are visiting his family. When you enter the house, Mingyu's sister, runs over to you and pulls you into a hug. "We've missed you so much (Y/N)" You just smile to yourself and hug her back. Mingyu's mother, comes out of the kitchen and takes Mingyu to a side. You are confused but distracted by his sister. Time goes by and its almost time to fly back to Seoul. Unexpectedly, Mingyu stops you in front of the house. "(Y/N?)" You turn around and see him on one knee. "No-Noo... This is a dream." Mingyu shakes his head and gets a little box out of his pocket. "(Y/N), you mean the world to me. My family loves you and I love you so much. I am sure that I want to spend the rest of my life with you, so please, will you Vote and Comment for me, love?"]

Hehehe..... I am sorry for wasting your time guys, but I bet you enjoyed the little imagine with Mingyu. :p

So ya, as Gyu is asking you with a "ring"... PLEASE "vote" and "comment" because EVERY comment and vote really helps.

Thankyou. :) x

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