ch.12: Wonwoo, My husband?

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Dedication: I dedicate this chapter to PrettyPettyGyu_hk You're an Angel. You shower me with votes ALL THE TIME and I am forever grateful :)


Wonwoo's POV:

I was meant to go back to Seoul yesterday but my dad insisted I stay for two more days and meet my "would-be wife". My family has reached the Lee's mansion already, I'm on my way dreading to see Sheerin.

I was driving my Porsche when my phone started buzzing. I glanced at the caller ID; it was Eojin. My nerves involuntarily began to tense up.

"Oppa? When are you coming back? I've been missing you so much." Eojin spoke through the phone.

"I'll be arriving Seoul tomorrow. I- I miss you too." I replied.

"Seventeen and I will be invited to Afterschool Club in two days and during the interview, I was thinking of making our relationship official." She informed, I could sense excitement in her voice.

"Well- Well that's a ni-nice idea." I stuttered. I felt a lump in my throat, which disabled me to speak.

"Wonu? Are you ok? You sound..." her exhilarating voice was now replaced with concern.

"Babe I'll talk to you later okay?" I prompted, cutting her midsentence.

I hung up. I was wordless.

I don't know for how long I will have to keep her in darkness. I got to tell her someday.

Sheerin's POV:

"You look beautiful." I turned around to see my dad smiling at me.

"Thank you father." I gave him a small smile and walked up to him.

"Are you happy with my decision, darling?" he asked gently squeezing my hand.

"I know you always want the best for me, so yes daddy, I am happy." I assured him.

"I'm glad." He flashed a hearty smile.

"Anyway, the Jeon family is waiting for you." He informed. I nodded, while he paced towards the door.

Ever since my mother died in an accident, my father is all I got. However, he does not give me any moment to feel her absence. He has given me all the riches of the world and ample happiness that I could not ask for anything more. I do not know the person I am getting married to; I do not know anything about him. All I know is that I am getting married to the son of his childhood best friend. You must be thinking how easily I accepted the arranged marriage proposal, but my dad has always wanted the best for me, therefore, I could not decline it.

I looked at my reflection in the mirror for one last time. I inhaled a deep breath and filed out of my room.


"Your daughter is beautiful." A man sitting on the sofa said to my father, whilst I walked down the stairs. I assume he is Mr. Jeon.

"Indeed." My dad smiled, sipping his tea.

I sat next to my father and gave the man a tight-lipped smile.

"Sheerin, this is Mr. Jeon Yang, my childhood best friend, she is his wife Mrs. Jeon Uri and you will be married to their son, Jeon Wonwoo." My dad gave the introduction.

"Where is Wonwoo by the way?" my dad questioned.

"Oh he is on his way." Mrs. Jeon replied. My dad and I both nodded in unison. Just then, a tall, jet-black hair guy entered the living room. He looked familiar. It took me sometime to reckon, when I jogged back my memory, it finally clicked me. He was the same pompous airport guy.

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