ch.15: Is that Mingyu?

415 47 19

Dedication: I dedicate this chapter to ayuyudanti the reads and votes. :) x

- 3 weeks later -

Wonwoo's POV:

"Oppa" Eojin gasped as I backed her up against the wall.

"Oppa sounds sexy when it escapes from your hot lips." I smirked against her ear and started trailing wet kisses down her neck. I brushed my lips on her jaw line and finally rested them on her lips. We moved our lips in urgency and shortly, I slipped my tongue into her mouth. The kisses we share are usually hot because we like it rough. I pushed her further against the wall, totally closing the space between us. I slipped my right hand under her dress top while my left hand pressed the small of her back.

I pulled away from the kiss and took the thin skin of her neck in between my teeth. She yelped in pain and I loved the sound of that.

"I want you." I seductively whispered on her ear.

"This is not home Wonu." She reminded; we were in the storeroom of the PLEDIS studio.

"But you know I can take you down right here, right now." I hissed, cupping the lacy material of her lingerie. The corner of her lips twitched into a naughty grin.

"Then do it." She demanded, with a firm tone.

I bit my bottom lip at the thought and rolled up her skirt to slide into her when, my phone blew up. I scowled and drew my phone from the pocket. My face instantly dropped when I saw the Caller ID.

"Hey dad." I cheerlessly greeted.

"I've called to notify you that Sheerin is on her way to Seoul. She rented a flat but I made her cancel it because I want her to stay with you." He elucidated with his baritone voice.

"What? Sheerin is coming to Seoul to stay with me?" I gasped in disbelief.

"Yes son and for you information, you are getting engaged this month."

"I'm sure it's okay with you. Isn't it Wonwoo?" he added.

"Ye-Yes dad." I replied with a defeated tone.

"Good. Rin will be there in an hour, so I want you to receive her up from the airport."

"Alright father." I sighed and hung up the phone.

"What did he say?" Eojin asked inquisitively.

"Sheerin is coming." I weakly informed and ducked my head.

"So she'll stay with you and the boys?" she bit her lip with a sad façade.

"No way. She's not staying in Seventeen's dorm." I riposted. I took a deep breath and placed my hands on her shoulders.

"Babe, I want to stay but I have to go for now. I have to make some arrangements for Sheerin, so I'll meet you up later ya?" I spoke gently hoping she'd understand.

"Umm...Okay." she gave me a small smile. I pecked her lip and stomped out of the storeroom.


Sheerin's POV:

"So this is the Seventeen's dorm?" I asked Wonwoo, as we entered the apartment.

"No." he simply replied, setting down my luggage.

"Then?" I asked as my brows connected.

"This is my spare flat and you'll be staying here from..." Just then, his phone buzzed cutting him off midsentence.

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