ch. 27: Flabbergasted

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Dedication: I dedicate this chapter to xEmilynx
Thank you for your votes and support. I appreciated it. :) x

Sheerin's POV:

After a 20 minutes drive the driver pulled up outside the edifice. I entered the elevator in silence and pressed the button for the 9th floor and it began to rise. When the elevator reached the selected floor.
The steel doors slid open and I stepped out of it. I weakly guided my hand to insert the key inside the key hole, but a shadow of loneliness crept in. Warms tears started flooding down my cheeks. The entire engagement thing got me overwhelmed. I missed home. I missed dad. That's how lonely Wonwooo made me feel.
I didn't feel like going to my flat and feel the extreme solitude, so I turned my heels and walked towards Mitzu's apartment.

I knocked at the door of Zu's apartment and waited for her to answer. I quickly wiped my tears with the back of my palm. I heard footsteps walk towards me so I took a step back.

"Heyy!" Zu greeted me with a gleeful smile.

"Hi" I gave her a weak smile.

"Rin, what happened? You look so troubled." Concern flashed on her facade. The mascara that streaked down my cheeks made it obvious that I was depressed.

"Can I come in?" I asked, my voice barely audible.

"Sure, c'mon in." I nodded and walked into her living room.

"Sit. I'll get you water." She said and walked to her kitchen. I placed the bad on the sofa and plopped down next to it. She came back with a glass of warm water and handed it to me.


"You wanna talk about it?" she asked, taking a seat next to me.

"I think so..." I trailed off.

"Go ahead, I'm all ears." She gently squeezed my cold hands and gave me a small smile.

"I- I am getting engaged." I blurted, as a trickle of fresh tear slipped down my cheek replacing the dried ones.

"Whattt?" Her jaw literally dropped on the floor.

"Yes" I gave a small nod as I sobbed.

"So- so you don't wanna get engaged?" She asked placing her hand on my shoulder.

"I have no choice. Its an arrange marriage. My dad fixed my wedding with his best friend's son Jeon Wonwoo, but he hates me for causing split betwix him and his girl Soo Eojin. Right now, he'd do anything to make me feel mesirable." I elucidated breathlessly.

"Jeon Wonwoo, as in Seventeen's Wonwoo??" She placed her hands in her mouth in disbelief.

I gave a weak nod.

"OMIGOD! You got to be kitten me. You are getting married to HIM? Girls would kill to be his wife!" She blabbered.

"You're losing the main point there Zu. He hates me, and makes me feel mesirable. I don't think I can pull off the whole wedding thing. I miss home. I miss dad." Tears flooded my cheeks.

"Aww Unnie, c'mere" she pulled me into a hug.

"Don't you cry now. Everything is going to fall back to its place. Have faith." She consoled me, tapping the back of my head.

"I wanna escape this lonely feeling Zu." I bit my lower lip to surpress my loud cries.

"Then I just know where to go." Her face instantly lit up, while she withdrew from the hug. God, she's never serious about anything.

I radiated a Question mark with my expression.

"To The Cakeshop!" She announced.

"No no. Not again. Last experience was terrible." I protested, wiping my tears.

"This time I'll make sure it'll be mind-blowing" She winked and dragged me to her walk-in closet.

"Can I use the restroom first? I need to wipe the mess off my face." I requested.

"Sure, till then I'll get you a dress perfect for club wear." She winked.

I padded towards the lavatory and wiped my face with a wet tissue. I washed my face with a foamed facewash and patted dry with a clean towel. I fixed my hair and headed back to Zu's closet.

"Here." She threw a bunch of dresses at me. None of them were appropriate for me.

"Erm... I think i'll just need some touch up to my hair, my clothes are good to go."

"Suit yourself, "Miss secretory." She rolled her eyes, causing me to giggle.


We pulled up at the parking lot around 8pm. Zu held my hand so that I won't get lost in the crowd. We headed straight for the bar counter, pushing through the sweaty crowd.

"Vodka?" She shouted to overpower the blaring music. I declined forming my lip in to a 'no'.

"You need to lossen up girl!" she shook her head and gulped down the intoxicating drink.
Just then a guy with ash blonde hair approached us, he looked umm... American?

"Hello there, you wanna dance?" he extended his hand towards Mitzu. She looked at me and then back at the guy. She looked like she was in dilemma, but then she finally spoke.
"Can I go.....? Please?" She looked at me with puppy dog eyes. I kept quiet for a while, pretending to be mad at her.

"Alright, alright. Go ahead, we'll catch up later." I dramatically rolled my eyes.

"I'm sorry Rin, I know I said tonight's gunna be mind-blowing, but he's just so cute." She apologized, sticking her tongue out and headed for the dance floor.

I heaved a deep breath and turned towards the counter.

"You want anything miss?" The bartender asked.

"Water!" I replied. He gave me a smile laced with mockery and passed me a glass of water.

While I was sipping on my glass of H2O. I saw a disturbing scene across the dance floor. The scene intrigued me, causing me to walk towards it.

Hyurin's POV:

My shift finally got over. I was collecting my earnings tugged onto my Lingerie by the clients, when someone from behind snatched the money off my hand.

"Heyyyy!" I yelled and chased, but the theif dissolved into the crowd making it difficult for me to spot him.
I knelt down and picked up the remaining cash that fell on the floor when a female voice caught me off guard.

"Here you go." She handed me a bundle of bank note.

"That is very generous of you, but....." I spoke while standing up on my feet. When my gaze landed on the person in front of me..... I was flabbergasted.



Happy Clifhanger to you!! 😆

What do you think happened?

I'm SO excited to write the next chapter! 😊

Please drop your comments, Meanie-pies. I always look forward to it. See ya tomorrow. 😙😙

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