ch.2: Mingyu's Suite

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Dedication: I dedicate this Chapter to My sweet lovelyfyn She really acknowledges my works and i really appreciate that. :) x

When we finally arrived, I saw a bunch of girls outside the hotel, holding posters like:




Wow! They sure know how to track me down.

Seriously! They are great stalkers and I love them to bits.

"Why have these girls gathered here?" Hyurin asked, snapping me out.

"Oh they are waiting for me." I answered.

"Waiting for you?" she questioned in puzzlement.

"You don't really know who I am, do you?" I asked. She shook her head as a 'No'.

"Oh. I thought you knew that I'm one of the members of SEVENTEEN, a kpop boy group." I said in a disappointing voice.

"I'm just kidding Mingyeww. I know who you are. I'm just not obsessed about you like those fanatical teenage girls." She laughed.

"You are just a normal boy to me." She added.

"Good. Now listen. Once I get out of the car, the girls will mob me and if they will see you with me, they might murder you or start questioning who you are. So you enter the hotel through the back door and I'll get in from the entrance, okay? My suite number is 22." I said, giving her instructions. She nodded and got out off the car and went to the hotel from the back door.

After few minutes, I got out and headed towards the entrance.

As expected, I was mobbed by swamp of girls. After signing some autographs and clicking pictures full of aeygo, I finally got in.

I met Hyurin outside my suite. I unlocked the door and we got in. I learned that my stuffs had already arrived.

"I'm totally drenched and I don't have anything else to wear." She said.

"You can wear one of my t-shirts for tonight, we'll go buy clothes for you tomorrow." I suggested.

She went to the bathroom to change her wet clothes while I changed in my bedroom.

I got this funny habit, I got to drink warm milk before going to bed, so I went to the kitchen to warm two mugs of milk for me and Hyurin.

After few minutes, she came out of the bathroom and sat beside the bedpost, she looked cute yet sexy with my t-shirt on. I couldn't help but scrutinize her.

She had beautiful pair of brown irises, long brown hair cascading down her back, olive skin almost close to my complexion and kissable lips. Her face perfectly sculpted, neither too short nor too tall but average height, cute butt and a nice pair of silky legs. I was drooling at the sight.

"Thanks by the way." She said snapping me out of my wild thoughts.

"For saving your life?" I asked getting out of the kitchen.

"For this. For everything." She replied, drying her hair with a towel.

"Ahh... It's nothing." I laughed.

"Anyway here you go." I said handing her a mug and sat next to her.

"Milk? Really Mingyu?" she mocked.

"Uh... Mmm.. It's a habit." I simply replied.

"You got drenched, so I thought a mug of warm milk would keep you warm." I added.

"I thought you'd choose Brandy or something over milk." She ridiculed sipping onto her cup.

"I am a good guy y'know." I shrugged acting innocent.

"Kid!" she chuckled.

"I am not." I shot. She raised her right hand for defense, causing both of us to chuckle hard.

"Umm... so tell me about you." I initiated.

"About me?" she questioned.

"Yes, about your life and what made you choose this... profession...... " I trailed off. Her smile disappeared gradually and looked down ineptly.

"It's okay if you don't wanna tell." I added.

She set her mug on the nightstand and spoke:

"I was told that I was brought to an orphanage by my aunt when I was an infant, she left me there and never came back. A middle-aged couple owned the orphanage. The man and his wife loved me a lot; they treated me like their daughter, but one day when his wife had gone out to buy groceries, he snuck into my room and started tearing off my clothes; he trailed sloppy kisses over by body. I did not know what was going on but I was scared. I wanted someone to come and rescue me, but no one unlocked the door. I wanted to get off from his grip. There was a huge vase on a shelf, I shoved him away and reached for it. He grabbed my leg but I had already caught hold of the vase, so I mustered up all my strength and hit him hard. I ran out the orphanage and never went back. I was 13 back then. For weeks, I lived on the streets. I used to sleep on the park bench. One morning when I was very hungry, an old man offered me his sandwich. He then took me to his place. For some years, I spick and spanned his house, did dishes and in return he gave me food. When I turned older, he said he wanted me to learn how to dance. I was overjoyed. He took me to a place where girls were dancing around the poles. I had no idea that it was a strip club. A tall dark man approached us and my master said the tall man will be my teacher and that I will be staying with him from now onwards. They had a talk, which I could not hear due to the loud music but I saw the tall man giving my master a bundle of bank note. My master hugged me for the last time and left forever.... and ever since then, I have been dancing around the poles, selling love to all sorts of men."

Tears rolled down her cheeks. I felt terrible to see her that way. I could see hurt on her face. She really must have gone through a lot of pain and misery.

"I- I am sorry." I apologized and gently squeezed her shoulder.

"Don't be. I am used to this life." she shrugged.

"But- why didn't you try to leave this profession and start off with something better?" I asked.

"There is nothing else I am good at. This is my life now." she replied.

"But you can try to-"

"We should sleep Mingyu." she cut me off mid-sentence. .

I decided not to push too far and make her feel miserable, so I just nodded.

"Umm... Well, there's only one bed so you can sleep here. I'll go sleep on the couch." I told her.

"Oh no. I'll sleep on the couch. You've taken enough trouble for me." She protested.
She grabbed some pillows and went towards the couch.

"Good night Mingyu." She gave me a small smile.

"Good night Hyurin." I greeted back.

I got inside the covers and took a deep breath to push away everything she said about her depressing life and drifted off to sleep.


A/N :

Thanks for reading, I hope you liked this chapter. I will be updating the next chapter soon. Till then... Here's an IMAGINE for you with MINGYU:

[Imagine: You come home tired from school/work. You walk towards the couch where Mingyu is watching TV. He turns off the screen when you sit beside him. He slowly comes closer to you and massages your shoulders. You feel relieved by his touch. Kneading your shoulders, he whispers in your ears: "vote or comment for me babe, and then I'll put your stress away."]

Hahaha.... Hope you liked my funny Imagine. :D

Anyway, ya just like Mingyu said: "vote" or "comment" your reviews. hehe :p x

Thankyou. :) x

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