ch.28: The Encounter

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Dedication: I dedicate this chapter to meaniewwmg
Thank you for promoting my book. Its means a lot. :) x

Sheerin's POV:

As I walked across the dance floor to see what was going on.... I saw a man snatching money off a girl's hand. I couldn't see her face because her back was turned towards me but I assumed she was one of the strippers of this club by her attire.

"Heyyyy!" She yelled and chased the man, I followed her footsteps but the theif dissolved into the crowd finding it difficult for both her and I to spot him.
She knelt down, her back still turned towards me and picked up the remaining cash that fell on the floor. I felt bad how she lost her hard earned money to a theif, so I withdrew a bundle of bank note from my purse and offered her.

"Here you go." I handed her the money.

"That is very generous of you, but....." she spoke while standing up on her feet. When she finally turned towards me and I darted my gaze to her facade..... I was flabbergasted.

My eyes flew open in disbelief and before I knew it.... my windpipe contracted causing my vision to become obscure.

Hyurin's POV:

My eyes almost popped out of its sockets, when I saw the girl standing right in front of me. She mimicked the same, and before I could hold her, she passed out on the dance floor.

I scrutinized her intently. Everything, from her head to toe resembled my appearance. It felt creepy yet intriguing. The only difference was she looked like an uninteresting secretory, with that pencil skirt, plain blouse and toms.
I turned on the faucet of the restroom, and sprinkled water on her face. She fluttered her eyes open, and held her head in pain.

"Wow, you look just like me. " I spoke, scanning her face.
She fully opened her eyes and looked at me. Her face started to lose color and screamed in horror.

"Shhhh..... Stop screaming!" I shushed, placing my hand on her mouth.

She fidgeted, struggling for air.

"Ok- okayyy, I'll withdraw my hand if you'll stop screaming. Deal?" I cocked one of my eyebrow. She nodded, still petrified.

"Whe-where are we?" She questioned, heaving a deep breath.

"You passed out on the dance floor, so I dragged you to the changing room." I simply answered.

".... and who are you? And how come you look just like me?" She questioned further. Her face slowly gaining her natural color.

"Trust me girl, I've been wondering the same for past half an hour."

"Really? Well umm... Wh-what's your name?" She asked getting up from the floor.

"My name is Hyurin." I replied, extending my hand to greet.

"I'm Sheerin. Lee Sheerin." She greeted back.

"Our names sound alike, we could be sisters!" I chirped.

"Do you have a birthmark at the nape of your neck?" I asked, showing her my mark.

She scaned the sides of her neck and then shook her head.

"No. No birthmark." She shrugged.

".... and I don't think my father would hide such a big thing from me." She said, fixing her hair.

"Ya right I was born in New York, so ya, it's not possible." I laughed feeling stupid.

"But seriously, I had no idea I would ever encounter my doppelganger." She spoke in disbelief.

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