EPILOGUE: Worth the Wait

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A/N: I am deeply deeply sorry for not updating for months. I really wanted the Epilogue to be PERFECT. With the horrible writer's block... it took me THIS LONG. Anyway, I hope it's worth the wait.
WARNING: Adult Content ahead.

Sheerin's POV:

The wedding couldn't have been more perfect; Wonu had made my fairytale come true.

I am currently changing out of my 3.7 million dollar wedding dress and into something a little bit more fit for travel. Wonu had insisted our Honeymoon be a surprise. He hadn't told me where we would be traveling to. All he noted was that it would be magical and that I would fall in love all over again. Of course his words made me 100x more anxious to know where he was taking me.

Hyurin and Mitzu were currently assisting me in helping me slide into my secondary dress which was a strapless cream white with a black ribbon type material stretching along in the middle of the dress. It looked like a cocktail dress, something I never wore before. However it was loose fitting and appropriate for the occasion.

"You're going to love your honeymoon!" Hyurin and Mitzu chimed in unison.

"Oh, I have no doubt in my mind that I won't love it, it's just where the heck is he taking me?!"

The girls just chuckled as they made sure my hair was fixated properly, "you'll see".

Hyurin's POV:

Mitzu and I were assisting Sheerin, when I received a text from Mingyu:

Babe, come downstairs, I wanna see you.

A giggle crept on my lips as I replied:

I'm not the bride, Sheerin is... and it's Wonu who should be desperate to see her right now.


I know you're not the bride, but you are soon to be....

When I read his reply it made my heart jolt for a jiffy. Is Mingyu going to propose.......?


I mean... uhh... Just come downstairs will you? Bogoship-eo Hyurin-ah!!

"Umm.. Girls? I gotta go see Mingyu, so I'll see you downstairs alright?" I shyly excused myself.

"Ooooooh.... Look who's so desperate to see her bae." The girls teased.

"Aishh... it's not me, it's him. Bye now!" I quickly walked out the door with my cheeks flushed.

As I walked down the stairs I scanned the crowed and my eyes spotted my handsome boyfriend. When our eyes connected, our faces instantly it up in unison.

"Finally!" Mingyu pecked on my lips.

"Missed me?" I teased.

"SO much." He replied with another peck.

"Champagne?" He suggested.

"Sure." I chimed.

"I'll be right back." He winked and jogged towards the beverage counter.

"The bride or the twin?" A familiar voice cause me to turn around. I looked up to see the blondie I once got drunk with.

"The doppelganger." I corrected.

"Seems you're here with my friend, Mingyu." Vernon greeted.

"Hi there." I greeted back.

"Ahh.... if only I'd met you earlier, I'd surely sweep you off your feet." He placed his hand on his heart and pretended to be disheartened.

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