ch.4: What just happened?

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Dedication: I dedicate this chapter to AlyCaspe :) Thank you for the reads, votes, and comments in my IMAGINES, appreciated it. Thanks love. #CheckOutHerWork :) x

Hyurin's POV:

After a 20 minutes drive he pulled up outside an edifice. We entered the elevator in silence. Mingyu pressed the button for the 17th floor and we began to rise. When we reached the selected floor, Mingyu enveloped my eyes with his hands. I still couldn't figure out where we were going.

"Where are you taking me?" I asked, stilled blinded. We walked a few steps more and then paused.

"Here!" He said, finally withdrawing his hands from my eyes. He unlocked a door and led me in.

"This is your new apartment." He announced, revealing his cute canine smile.

"My new apartment?" I wheezed, giving him an astounded look.

"Yes. You will be staying here from now onwards." He affirmed, smile not leaving his face.

"But M-Mingyu this place is huge. I won't be able to pay the rent."

"It's on me." He winked, guiding me to the rooms.

We made our way to the hall way and into the living room. There was a black leather sofa, a wood coffee table and a decent satellite television. It felt homely. There was a cute kitchenette on the right with a dining area. The bedroom was beautifully decorated. The bed sheets and covers were made of Egyptian cotton, and the best thing about the closet; it was loaded with clothes.

Mingyu's POV:

"This is like a dream apartment. Thank you so much Mingyu." She gasped, placing her hands on her lips.

"I'm glad you liked it." I beamed.

"I loved it." Tears streamed down her cheeks.

"Hyu? Why are you crying?" I asked a bit worried.

"I-I was never treated this way by anyone before." She sobbed.

"People only see me as a stripper and nothing beyond that. I've always been disrespected." She continued.

"Shh... it's okay. I am here for you now." I shushed her, wiping her tears with my thumbs.

"I'll make sure no one hurts you or disrespects you ever again because I know, under those inappropriate clothes there's a beautiful person who deserves to be respected and loved." I comforted her.

Then to my surprise, she took a step forward and wrapped her arms around my neck, burying her face on my chest. I was taken aback by her action, but I ultimately wrapped my arms affectionately around her. Drawing her close, I kissed her forehead. She then looked deep into my eyes. Her brown orbs were glassy due to crying. She looked so fragile and vulnerable. I'd do anything to make her feel good right now.

She was staring at my lips and then my eyes; I wasn't sure if she wanted to kiss me, but my instincts said she wanted to. I gently cupped her cheeks as I brought her lips close to mine. She froze by my gesture, but I didn't care. I wanted to kiss her from the first time I noticed how kissable her lips were. I tenderly rested my lips on her. She gasped in surprise but she soon responded, pressing her lips softly on mine. I grabbed her by her waist and titled my head to deepen the kiss. I gently bit her lower lip for entrance, she instantly allowed me to explore her sweet mouth. Our lips moved in synch. I slipped my right hand under her T-shirt to disengage her bra, but I decided against it. I didn't want her to think that I provided her clothes and apartment to get laid, so I withdrew my hands and pulled away by breaking the kiss. I pecked her lips for one last time and gave her a warm smile.

"I should leave." I spoke. I didn't want to leave, but if I stay here any longer, I'm gunna lose it.

"Okay." she nodded.

"Once again, thank you." She smiled.

"See you soon Hyurin." I bid her good bye and closed the door behind me.

Damn! What got into me? However, her lips looked so alluring, I couldn't help it. The taste of her lips was so intoxicating that I didn't want to break the kiss. It was breathtaking.

Hyurin's POV:

"I'll make sure no one hurts you or disrespects you ever again because I know, under those inappropriate clothes there's a beautiful person who deserves to be respected and loved." he consoled me.

He's got no idea how much those kind words meant to me. I don't even remember when was the last time someone spoke to me so politely. Oh god, how I wish to kiss him right here right now but I can't, so I just took a step forward and wrapped my arms around his neck, burying my face on his chest. It caught him off guard but he eventually wrapped his protective arms around my waist. He tugged me closer and kissed my forehead. I've never felt so safe and protected in anyone's arms before like I'm feeling right now. I looked deep into his eyes. Those brown irises were the most beautiful ones I'd ever seen. It felt like his eyes were a deep ocean and I'm drowning in it; and his plump and kissable.

I was staring at his lips and then his eyes; I wanted to kiss him, but I didn't have the nerve. I'm just a stripper, why would he even want to kiss a low life smut like me?

Absurd thoughts were creeping in my head, when he gently cupped my cheeks and snapped me out. He brought his lips close to mine. I froze. Is he thinking what I am thinking? I'm not sure though.

He then tenderly placed his lips on mine. My heart did a flip as I gasped in surprise but I soon responded, pressing my lips softly on his. He grabbed my waist and titled his head to deepen the kiss. He gently bit my lower lip for entrance; I didn't want to break the kiss anytime soon, so I instantly allowed him to explore my mouth. Our lips coordinated. It felt so good. I quivered under his touch when he unexpectedly slipped his right hand under my T-shirt to undo my bra. I want him so bad, but I don't want him to judge me as a cheap stripper who gave in easily. So I prayed that he wouldn't urge me; luckily he withdrew his hands and pulled away by breaking the kiss. He pecked my lips for one last time and gave me a warm smile.

"I should leave." He spoke. I didn't want him to leave, but in vain.

"Okay." I nodded.

"Once again, thank you." I smiled.

"See you soon Hyurin." He bid me goodbye and closed the door behind him.

What just happened? I honestly didn't see that coming. God, these butterflies in my tummy don't seem to stop fluttering and my cheeks won't stop blushing. Why am I acting like I'd been kissed for the first time? I know I've kissed many of my clients but he wasn't a client, he was "Kim Mingyu".


Author's Note:

Hey gorgeous people :)

I'll try to finish the book ASAP and update more chapters a week. Until then...

[IMAGINE: "Mingyu, calm down! Vernon is just a friend!" you beg as he pushes you against the wall. "You kissed him, didn't you?" he growls. "No, Mingyu please!" you beg again. "But, does he make you feel like this?" he asks, roaming his hands around your body. You gulp. No one touches you like he does. "Mingyu." you gasp. He teasingly plants kisses on your jaw line, completely ignoring your lips, pushing you even harder against the wall. "You're mine, only Mine." he hisses, his teeth trailing down your neck. You want Mingyu to stop teasing you and lock his lip with yours. "Oh kiss me already." You moan. "I will." He sucks on his breath. "I will babe, but first, Vote and Comment, love."]


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