ch.5: Dinner Tonight

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Dedication: I dedicate this chappy to Living_on_phone :) Thanks for the reads, votes and comments love. You are awesome :) x

- Changwon: Wonwoo's Hometown -

Wonwoo's POV:

It has been two days in Changwon and it's going just fine. It feels really good to spend time with my family.

I was just lying on my couch when a message popped on my phone screen.

SOO EOJIN: Oppaaa... How's life in Changwon? Bogoshipo, I miss you so much, come back soon. xx

The message was from Eojin.

Soo Eojin and I both fancy each other and we are planning to make our relationship official very soon. My family and hyungs don't know it as yet. I am just waiting for the right moment.

I want her to meet my family first, so I'll be sending her a flight ticket for tomorrow as a surprise. That way she can meet my family and I can spend some quality time with her.

Me : Ya babe. Life's great here. I miss you too. See you SOON. - W. x

I sent the message, emphasizing on the word 'soon'.

I've been partying for two consecutive days with my friends and family so today I decided to stay at home and get lazy.

I was checking out my Twitter notifies when I heard a knock. I opened the door to see my
little brother Jeon Bohyuk.

"Annyeong Hyung!" he greeted.

"Annyeong." I greeted back, letting him in.

"Hyung, Lets go for bowling." He offered.

"No Bohyuk. I wanna stay home today. I'm too lazy to go out." I declined, yawning.

"Oh c'mon hyung. It's been a long time that we haven't had fun time together. You hardly visit Changwon." He complained.

"Where do you wanna go?" His face instantly lit up.

"Resolution!" he exclaimed.

"To the new bowling place?" I furrowed my brow.

"Yes." He beamed.

I unwillingly changed into a pair of grey sweat pants and a black T-shirt. I put on a beanie and converse, then we headed off to Resolution.

It's been an hour that we've been bowling and I tell you, I'm really having fun. I love holidays!

After bowling, Bohyuk suggested we go to a nearby restaurant to eat. Just then, my phone beeped. I unlocked my phone to see a text from Eojin.

SOO EO-JIN : Aww..Oppa. Gamsahamnida for the surprise! I'll be reaching by 11 am tomorrow so pick me up, ya?

Me : Sure love. x

I texted back. Aishh..  I can't wait to see her.


- New York -

Mingyu's POV:

I took shower to get ready for our rendezvous that we will have tonight over dinner. When I was done, I plopped down on my bed and sent a voicemail to Hyurin.

"Hey Hyurin-ah. It's Mingyu, just wanted to know if you are busy tonight or what. If not then we can have dinner together at my hotel room. Otherwise even better at your place. Hit me back soon."

Ever since last night, I've been yearning to see her. I can still feel her lips on mine. Aishh... that bewitching kiss!


Hyurin's POV:

- At the club -

My shift finally got over. "Today was a tiring day." I sighed. I wore my coat and switched my heels with flats. I picked up my belongings and exited the club. I couldn't get a cab so I decided to travel by bus. When I was back to the crib, I had a voicemail awaiting. I threw my bag on my black leather sofa and clicked the button to hear it.

"Hey Hyurin. It's Mingyu, just wanted to know if you aren't busy tonight. If not then we can have dinner together at my hotel room. Otherwise even better at your place. Hit me back soon."

I instantly dialed the number and let it ring.

Mingyu : "Hello?"

Me : "Hey it's Hyurin"

Mingyu : "Oh hey."

Me : "So what are you doing tonight?"

Mingyu : "Having you over for dinner followed by a movie?"

Me : "Great! But... My place."

Mingyu : "See you then."

Me : "Bye"

I hung up. I don't know why, but I'm eagerly looking forward to see Mingyu tonight. For starters, I gotta change my trashy clothes into a comfy one. I went to the bathroom and took a quick shower. I then changed into a fresh pair of clothes. I went into the kitchen to fix dinner. I tried to cook something but I was very tired so I chose to order pizza. I went to a nearby service station. I walked to the alcohol section of the store and bought one case of beer and three bottles of Mojito. I went back to the flat and placed the drinks inside the fridge. I was getting bored and restless, so I turned on my music player. Blood, Sweat & Tears by BTS started playing. I sang my lungs out, swaying my body to the beat. In about 20 minutes, the doorbell rang. I quickly ran up to the door and unlocked it. The delivery boy handed me two boxes of pizzas. I went to the kitchen and set the pizzas on the counter and went back to pay the bill. I thanked him and closed the door behind me. It is 6 pm already and Mingyu hasn't arrived as yet, so I dialed his number.

Mingyu: "Hello?"

Me: "Where you at?"

Mingyu: "I'm on my way. I'll be there in ten minutes."

Me: "Come soon."

Mingyu: "Missing me eh?"

Me: "Shut up!" I chuckled and hung up the phone.



Ok, this was a crappy chapter, but I am suffering from a bad writer's block.

Anyway, IF you like this chapter then.... [IMAGINE: You finally get a chance for a "fansign" with SEVENTEEN. You wait on a long queue and finally you get to meet Mingyu face to face. You ask Mingyu for an autograph and he says "Sure babe. I'll give you an autograph, but only if you agree to go on a date with me and shower me with kisses, Votes and Comments."] :p

Thanks for reading.. <3 x

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