ch.6: Kiss In The Dark

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Dedication: I dedicate this chapter to aniramadhana :) Thanks for the reads, votes and comments love. :) x

Mingyu's POV:

"Where shall I drive you sir?" Henry asked, as I exited the hotel.

"Oh it's okay. You can take a day off. I'll drive myself." I replied.

"But it's my job to-"

"Take this and enjoy the night." I cut him off, handing him some cash.

"Have a good night Mr. Kim." He greeted and walked away.

I slipped into the coupé. I inserted the key and started the ignition. I want to reach her apartment as soon as possible, but I thought it would be impolite if I show up empty handed. I looked out from the car glass and scanned the boulevard. I saw a small flower shop; so, I parked the car aside and entered the store.

"Hello, how can I help you sir?" an old lady greeted with a welcoming smile.

"Good eve, I'd like to buy a bouquet." I smiled back.

"For your girlfriend?" she gently asked. The word struck me. Girlfriend? I haven't thought of that as yet. We just met two days ago. I know we've kissed... but she's just a friend to me.

"No, a friend." I replied with no hesitation.

"Then you should buy her lilacs." She recommended.

"Ya, that would be fine." I beamed and paid her for the bouquet.

"Good night ma'am." I greeted and darted back towards the car. I was about to unlock the car door when my phone vibrated.

"Hello?" I had missed to check the Caller ID but I soon recognized the voice. It was Hyurin.

"Where you at?" she asked.

"I'm on my way. I'll be there in ten minutes." I informed, getting inside the car, resuming the ignition.

"Come soon." She said.

"Missing me eh?" A smirk formed on my lips.

"Shut up!" she chuckled and hung up the phone.


I knocked on the door of her apartment and waited for her to answer. I heard footsteps walk towards me so I took a step back.

"Hey come in!" she greeted; she was wearing a cute T-shirt and a very short shorts clad.

"Thanks" I smiled and handed over the bouquet.

"Wow lilacs? How'd you know it is my favorite?" she chirped, smile not leaving her lips.

"Well... I just know it." I replied, running my hand through my hair. Trust me I had no idea.

"It's lovely, gamsahamnida Mingyu." she pecked my cheek.

"My pleasure." I smiled revealing my dimples.

"Wanna drink?" she offered, setting the flowers in a vase.

"Sure." I quickly agreed.

"Beer?" she questioned.

I nodded.

I made my way into her living room and plopped down on the sofa. I looked behind the TV set and into her kitchen where she was bending down at the fridge getting things, the polite thing to do would be to offer help but I was too stuck in a trance staring at her.

She came out with one case of beer and three bottles of Mojito, before leaving once again for the kitchen. She then came back with two boxes of pizzas.

"Pizza!" I laughed as she set down the food.

"Who doesn't like pizza?" she giggled unleashing the box.

"So what are we watching tonight?" I asked chewing my food.

"No Strings Attached!" She chimed.

"Friends with Benefits." I suggested.

"No. I wanna watch No Strings Attached." She protested. I shook my head in disagreement.

"Please Mingyu, Pleasee?" she pleaded with those puppy dog eyes. Damn, she looks so cute. I could kiss her right now.

"Alright we'll watch No Strings Attached. Happy?"

"Very." She grinned.

After we were done eating, I elevated the discarded boxes and cans to dump it into a trash can, while she took out the CD from a case and played the movie.

I was sitting on the sofa already so I grabbed her by her waist when she plopped down next to me. She came closer and cuddled in. The movie was sweet yet erotic and I couldn't stop having wild thoughts about Hyu, when the whole room suddenly fell dark...

"What the heck!" Hyurin exclaimed as our view turned to black.

I couldn't help but chuckle. We couldn't see but could feel our body brush against each other and that somewhat turned me on. I held her close as the tension started building. I want her so bad and I don't care what she thinks of me. I can't contain it, I want her without delay. I mustered my courage and started trailing hot wet kisses on her neck up to her jaw line, and then my lips placed against her in a slow motion. Her lips felt so soft and sweet. At first, she was reluctant, but things started to heat up and the kisses turned urgent. My hands snaked around her body. My cold hands ran up the inside of her T-shirt and hit her warm skin, I smiled between the kiss because I could feel her quiver under my touch.

Hyurin's POV:

"What the heck!" I exclaimed as my view turned to black.

I heard Mingyu laugh, he held me closer and a warm breath hit my neck. Hot wet kisses started trailing from my neck up to my jaw line and finally his lips placed against mine in a slow rhythm. That type of kiss, which was sweet yet hot and heavy. At first, I hesitated, because I wasn't sure if he wanted what I wanted, but things started to heat up and the kisses turned urgent. Seriously, when you are blinded, all your other senses are heightened. His hands snaked around my body, not leaving an inch untouched. His cold hands ran up the inside of my T-shirt and hit my warm skin sending shivers down my spine. I'm sure he felt it because he smiled between the kiss.

We were enjoying the darkness when the room enlightened. I looked deep into his eyes; his brown irises had turned into a darker shade of color revealing pure lust.

"Sofa or the bed?" I asked in an alluring voice.

"Anywhere you like." He smirked, his eyes not leaving mine.

I then took his hands and led him to my room, and as we entered the bedroom.......



Sorry for the Cliffhanger! 😛

Anyway, do you guys ship "Gyurin"? I think they'll make a pretty cute couple.^^

Just like always, here's an...

[IMAGINE: Mingyu teasing you by lightly kissing the insides of your thighs, leading up to his destination. He trails wet kisses, making you roll your head back, but suddenly pauses and gets up, leaving you confused. "Hey!" you complain. He smirks evilly. He bends down where you are lying and speaks with his deep voice. "Vote and Comment babe, and then we'll continue this dirty little thing"]

Hehe ya, Pretty PLEASE with a cherry on the top, "vote" and "comment". My day becomes extra awesome when I see you people leaving reviews below. :) Take care hunnie bunnies, I will update the next chapter soon.

#muchLove - Mri. x

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