ch.10: Back with his Ex?

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Dedication: I dedicate this chapter to niight-dream Thank you for the reads and votes. :) x

- Changwon: Wonwoo's Hometown -

Wonwoo's POV:

"I'm sorry Oppa." Eojin apologized, pulling me into a hug.

"Do you have to go?" I asked in a cheerless tone.

"Yes babe, the management wants me back to Seoul. I have to be there at the studio tomorrow." She informed.

"I thought we'd spend time together." I complained, crossing my arms against my chest.

"I know, but it's the management's order. I can't do anything about it. I have to go Wonu." She started packing her bags.

"It's just a matter of three days. We'll meet soon." She comforted me.

"Okay." I sighed. I kissed her goodbye and then she was gone.

This sucks. I had planned so many things for her. Uhh... I hate the management. "What am I to do now? Stare at the ceiling and spend my holidays?" I said to myself and went to my room. I just wanna burry my head on my pillow and go to sleep.


My eyes fluttered open, the glare of the rising sun busted through the open window. I sat up from my bed and rubbed my eyes to chase away the sleep.

I'm hungry, I didn't eat last night, so I sluggishly walked downstairs to the kitchen to chomp something.

As I passed the dining, I saw my dad reading a newspaper.

"Good morning son." he greeted, looking at me from the corner of his eyes.

"Morning dad." I greeted back. I saw some cookies on the counter; I grabbed one of them. Shoving it in my mouth, I took a seat next to him.

"Last night your mum told me that you brought a girl for lunch." he began.

"Her name is Eojin." I corrected.

"And she also told me that you fancy each other, but my dear son let me tell you that I'd gone to meet Lee Minho yesterday and I fixed your marriage with his daughter, Lee Sheerin." He finished, sipping his tea.

"What?" My head snapped up, as if I misheard him.

"A-Are you serious?" I shuttered in disbelieve. The news made my hunger vanish into thin air.


"And you are not declining it." He added.

"But dad, I don't even know the girl. You can't do this to me." I protested.

"You'll soon get to know her, and here's her picture." He said extending his cell phone towards me.

I unwilling took the phone from his hand and glanced at the pic.

"You got to be kidding me." I deadpanned. It was the SAME Airport GIRL. She was looking no different in the pic. The same kind of pencil skirt, blouse and toms. The same annoying brunette.

There are millions of girls in this world, why on earth it has to be her??

"No objection! You are marrying her and that's about it." His statement sounded more like an order.

This is bad. This is really, really bad. What am I going to tell Eojin? I can't sacrifice my love for some boring secretary looking kinda girl. I can't spend the rest of my life with someone I don't love. Oh god, tell me it's a bad dream and that I'm gunna wake up.

Messing with The SAME GIRL || Mingyu Wonwoo Where stories live. Discover now