ch.9: Ex-girlfriend in New York

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Dedication: I dedicate this chapter to wonwoowoo_mingyuyu :) Thanks for the votes love :) x

Hyurin's POV:

I spoke for a while with Mia, we had our breakfast together and then I drove back to my crib. When I unlocked the door of my apartment, I saw Mingyu mining the fridge but got startled when he heard me get in.

"You are still here?" I asked, trying my best not to sound rude.

"You want me to leave?" he asked back raising his left eyebrow.

"No, just asking." I replied, dropping my bag on the sofa.

"Where'd you go this morning? You seemed... troubled." He questioned, shoving a sandwich in his mouth.

"One of my colleagues got sick so I took her to the doctor." I simply lied.

"Oh okay." he said biting the last piece of his sandwich. I was thanking him internally for not asking further questions.

I went to take a warm shower to release my tension. I let out a breath of air, relieved to be under the warm silky water. I was applying shampoo when my thoughts subconsciously drifted to Mingyu last night, when we had a wonderful moment under those sheets of Egyptian cotton. How he handled me with care, whereas my clients are usually hard on me. How he made me feel like it was my first time. How he tugged me into an adoring hug, holding me, bringing me close to him as we drifted off to a sweet slumber.

It just resurfaced everything that I'd been trying to push it back in my head countless times.

I set the showerhead in full force hoping the sound of running water would break my thoughts, but the force hit my bare skin so hard that I felt like the hot liquid would penetrate into my skin. I quickly rinsed and wrapped a towel around my body. I got out of the shower stall, and walked into my room. I saw Mingyu grabbing his car keys from the nightstand.

"Going back to your hotel room?" I asked causing him to look at me.

"Oh no, I saw your fridge almost empty so I'm going grocery shopping. Wanna join?" he offered, scrutinizing my only towel wrapped body.

"You don't have to Mingyu, I'll do it myself." I asserted, engulfing my bare chest with my bear arms.

"I got no work, so why not shop to pass time?" he shrugged and put his jacket on.

"Okay." I sighed. I picked up a fresh pair of clothes from my closet and retrieved to the bathroom to change.

I don't feel like applying makeup. I am too upset to look pretty, so I just applied sunscreen and tied my hair into a messy topknot. I wore a white Puma T-shirt and grey sweat pants. I stepped into my black Vans, grabbed my phone and filed out of my room.

"Ready?" he asked. I gave him a small nod and we walked out of my apartment. We got into his black coupé and he started the ignition. The drive was silent. I inclined my body to the car window, and once again, my mind drifted back to deep contemplation.

"Don't worry your friend will be fine." He spoke, snapping me out.

"Huh?" I scrunched up my eyebrows in confusion, but then I soon comprehended his sentence.

"Oh ya. I hope so." I gave him a nervous smile.


We went to a nearby Spencer's. We were at the cereals section. Mingyu was acting so normal, like nothing happened last night. He still hasn't mentioned about it. Doesn't he feel anything after what we did? Was it 'just sex' for him? I was ripped away from my thoughts, when a girl bumped into Mingyu.

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