ch.7: I "did" Mingyu

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Dedication: I dedicate this chapter to iluvmx :) Thanks for the reads, votes and comments. :) x
WARNING: Adult Content ahead

Hyurin's POV:

.... and as we entered the bedroom, I switched on the lights. Without prior notice, he carried me in a bridal style and I wrapped my arms around his neck. He lay me down on the bed of Egyptian cotton, while he got on top of me and with that; he kissed me, taking my breath away. It started out sweet and passionate to hot and steamy one. He ran his hands across my stomach and without breaking the kiss, he flipped us over so that I was straddling him. He bit my bottom lip begging for entrance. I didn't open my mouth and it drove him crazy. He forcefully pinned me underneath him and tickled my sides. I opened my mouth to finally let him in. His tongue swept inside my mouth leaving the feeling of his tongue everywhere. A moan slipped from my mouth and I felt him smile cheekily on my lips, revealing his cute-canines. He got off me to take off my T-shirt. He then pulled me closer to him and locked our lips again. This time he was more rough. He made his way to my neck and started sucking on my sweet spots no doubt leaving a few hickies.

"Seems like you've got some hickies already." He smirked, rubbing the right side of my neck with his thumb.

"Birthmark!" I corrected.

I unexpectedly flipped and hovered over him. I don't usually like being a dummy letting my alpha man do everything. I made him lay on his back with a pillow plumped behind his head so his neck exposed and slightly arched forward. I warmed him up by lingering my lips at the crook of his neck and started blowing butterfly kisses next to his ear causing him to quiver and then slowly brushing my wet lips against the hollow of his throat, I ran the soft flat of my tongue straight up until licking his Adam's apple. I paused there and massaged the area in wide circular motions with the tip of my tongue, gently kneading his shoulders.

"Fcuk!" He swore for the first time tonight, and I gave him a smug smile.

"I like my man being helpless." My voice seductive.

"But this man likes taking control." He smirked and flipped me. I'm liking this flipping game lol.

He placed his hands on my hips, kneading my lower ribs with his thumbs, while I slipped my hands down his sexy torso. I initiated by unzipping his pants. I could feel the boner in his pants as I dropped it down his ankles. He returned the favor by removing my shorts and I wiggled out of them.

I tugged his T-shirt and pulled it over his head, revealing his massive tattoos.

"You got to tell the meaning of these damn tattoos." I stated, trailing my finger over his body.

"Sure, but first lets finish the unfinished business." He winked which caused me to giggle. His hands moved tenderly to cup my bosom over my bra, before slipping his fingers underneath the material of my lingerie and squeezing gently; he then disengaged my bra and dropped it on the floor. He nibbled on my right ear, whispering sweet nothings. He then moved his lips from my neck to my chest. He looked at me intently and stroked my mounds, igniting the heat between my legs. He lowered his gorgeous lips and licked my bare skin a few times, then blew on the wet spots sending frisson throughout my body.

"Mingyuu," I sucked on my breath.

He trailed his lips down my stomach, causing butterflies to erupt. He hooked his index fingers on the waistband of my thong and slipped it down my bare legs. He ran his fingers on the inside of my thighs sending shivers down my spine and up.

"Are you sure?" He asked. He knew I wasn't a virgin, yet it was so generous of him to ask me. Such a gentleman!

I nodded. "I want you Mingyu. Ignite me." I said, almost inaudible.

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