ch.24: He kissed Her??

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Dedication: I dedicate this chapter to my sweetheart hiitzthao Thank you for your love and support. :) x

Hyurin's POV:

I was brewing a cup of coffee, when I felt my phone vibrate inside my pocket. I drew out the device and glanced at the Caller ID. A smile instantly crept on my lip when I saw Mingyu's name pop on the phone screen.

"Heyy..." Mingyu greeted, dragging the word in a jubilant tone.

"Hey, what's up?" I greeted back, smiling from ear to ear.

"Where are you?"

"At home, why?"

"I'm coming to get you." He informed.

"Why?" I scrunched up my eyebrows.

"I'm taking you out for dinner." Even though I can't see his face through the phone, but I bet he said it with a smile.

"But I'll be off to the club in an hour."

"Umm... okay then, I'll pick you up after your shift is over."


"and umm... wear something which is dear to you."

"Okay." I chuckled and hung up the phone.

I glanced at the wall clock, it was 6.15 pm, and I have to reach the club by seven so I hurriedly rushed to the shower stall. I squeezed my favorite pomegranate aroma shampoo on my palm and slowly massaged the scalp. After a minute, I gently rinsed it. I poured the coco butter body wash on a loofa. I tenderly scrubbed my skin and let the warm silky water cascade down my body. When I was done, I quickly wrapped a towel around my body, one around my head and padded to my room to get ready.

Keeping in mind that I have a "date' tonight, I decided to style my hair into side waves with rolled back top. I gathered all my tresses to one side of my head, created beautiful waves on them, teased the top-front section, and rolled it back gently. I applied a thin layer of concealer spreading it gently across my face. I brushed a sliver eyeshade and sketched dark eyeliner for a semi-smoky impression. My lips were dark due to sunburn but the red lipstick concealed it perfectly. I wore a black dress, which I bought with my first salary I received from The Cakeshop Club and covered myself with an overcoat framed with thick soft fur around the neckline.

I grabbed my phone and shoved it in my purse. I walked towards my shoe rack to slip into black heels and sprinted out my apartment.


- At the club -

Sheerin's POV:

Sweaty bodies EVERYWHERE. That's the number one thing I hate about clubs. Zu pulled me into the crowd and then we made our way to the bar. She gulped down two shots of vodka and offered me a pitcher.

"I do not drink."

"Oh c'mon, it's just beer."

"No way."

"Yes way." She brought the drink close to my lips and made me chug the whole goblet.

"Uhh... It tastes bitter." I shut my eyes and gritted my teeth.

"But it's makes you feel better." She winked.

"Let's dance!" She exclaimed.

"Nah... I'll stay here. You go." I refused.

"Okay." she quickly walked towards the dance floor and soon dissolved into the crowd.

I was bored sitting, blankly staring at the mass. I got up from my seat and paced towards the dance floor. I was lost in the crowd. I just stood there flashing a disgusted look at the creeps dancing around me. I wanted to go home. Just when I decided to search for Zu, I was engulfed into a hug. I winced in surprise and looked at the person who was embracing me. He had brunette hair with cute fringe, deep brown eyes, chocolate to be more precise. His lips revealed sharp -yet cute canines. His face looked familiar. It took me sometime to figure out and then I realized he was Wonwoo's friend, Kim Mingyu.

Mingyu's POV:

I scanned through the crowd and spotted Hyurin at the edge of the dance floor. She wasn't on the stage so I assumed her shift was over. She was wearing a decent dress and her hair tied into a neat bun, she looked beautiful. A smile instantly plastered on my face.

"I'll be right back." I informed DK and Woozi.

"Where you going?" They asked.

"To meet someone." I winked and walked towards Hyurin. I walked through the dense crowd and finally reached for her.

"I've been looking for you everywhere." I pulled her into a hug.

I gazed deep into her eyes and planted a deep kiss on her lips.

"Mi-Mingyu what you doing?" she shoved me away.

"I'm kissing you?" I gave her a confused look.

"You're insane!" she yelled and turned hell heels on me.

What. Just. Happened?


Sheerin's POV:

God! How could Mingyu smash his lips onto mine? Doesn't he know I am getting engaged to Wonwoo?
I got to get out of here, I have to find Zu.

It was difficult to trace Zu in the crowd but I somehow managed to spot her. She was grinding against a blonde hair boy. She looked totally wasted. I walked towards her and grabbed her arm.

"Zu I'm feeling sick. Let's go home!" I yelled, as the music was too loud.

"I'm drunk! I can't drive." She laughed followed by a hiccup.

"I will, now let's go." I grabbed her out from the dance floor and hit for the exit.


Wonwoo's POV:

"Two shots of Vodka please." I ordered my drinks and sat on the chair next to the bar counter. I just couldn't get over the break up so I decided to come here and divert my mind. I scanned through the crowd as I waited for my drinks when my eyes spotted Sheerin standing awkwardly on the dance floor. "What's she doing here?" I thought to myself. I watched her intently and what happened next was scandalous.

I saw MY 'best mate' Kim Mingyu embracing Sheerin into a hug and crashing his lips on hers.


My blood boiled and my skin flushed with rage. I wanted to smash their heads against the wall right here, right now and bury them under the dance floor.

First, she befalls to be the reason for my break up with Eojin and now she's snogging MY Best Friend?

"Your drinks sir." The bartender snapped me out. I grabbed the drink and when I turned back, I couldn't see them.

They must have gone to her flat. I swear I'm gunna kill them.




Oh My Lordy!! What's Happening? :o I can't wait to write the next chapter^^

Anyway, did you like the chapter?? What do you think is gunna happen next? COMMENT down your views.:)

Until then...

[IMAGINE: "Wonwoo! I swear I didn't kiss Mingyu. " you try to explain as he pushes you against the wall. "You kissed him, I KNOW IT!" he growls. "No. Wonwoo, please!" you beg again. He roams his hands around your body. You gulp. "No one touches you unless that somebody is ME."He pushes you further. "Won." you gasp. He teasingly plants kisses on your jaw line, completely ignoring your lips, pushing you even harder against the wall. "y'are MINE. Only MINE." he hisses, his teeth trailing down your neck. You want him to stop teasing you and lock his lip with yours. "Oh kiss me already." You moan. "Uh-huh? Then you Know what to do." He sucks on his breath.]

YES!! You KNOW what to do. "VOTE" and "COMMENT." :p :D

See ya tomorrow. Ily <3 - Mri. :) x

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