ch.35: Conquering Your Soul

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Dedication: I dedicate this chapter to my sweetheart Mingyuily
Thank you for the reads and comments, love. :) x

Hyurin's POV:

It has been more than a hour that Mingyu has been driving to our date venue and I am getting impatient as every second is passing by.

''Mingyu can you PLEASE tell me where we're going?'' I asked, breaking the silenece.

''I told you it's a surprise, so have patience.'' he smiled at me.

''Fine. Can you at least tell me how long until we reach the spot?'' I questioned, hoping he would say that we have arrived.

''Just 10 minutes left.'' Mingyu answered placing his free hand on my lap.

After 10 minutes Mingyu finally announced:

''We're here, but now you have to close your eyes.''

''Ok'' I answered doing what I was told but honestly I was a bit unsure what was going on.
"Don't open them!" Mingyu exclaimed, leading me to the 'date venue'.

"I can't when you're covering my eyes! And how far do we have to walk?" I asked, anxious to see what happens next.

"Stop whining, we're almost there," He said. I was actually very surprised at myself due to all of the emotions roaming through my mind; and may I say, some of those emotions weren't all that 'clean'. As he led me to the surprise destination, I couldn't help but whine again.


" Relax love, we're here," he laughed while withdrewing his hands from my eyes. "Ta-Daaa!"

"You're a dork," I laughed before gasping in awe. We were standing at the lakeside with a magnificent tent complete with blankets, pillows and a picnic set for two. To top it all off, there lay red velvet cupcakes and apple juice. My favorite.

"You did this for me?" I asked, taking in my surroundings.

"Of course, it is our first date after you arrived to Seoul City," Mingyu smiled from ear to ear before leading me to the dinner spot.

The cupcakes tasted like heaven.
We had a fantastic dinner and talked about random things.

Mingyu suddenly got up and walked towards the tent. He retrieved with a guitar in his hand.

"I bet you like serenades while watching the sunset." He smiled and sat beside me.

"That'd be breathtaking." I smiled back.

He started serenading songs to me, all my favorites.
The sunset, the lake, the auburn grass, Mingyu...... Everything looked Magical at the moment.

''There is something else I wanna show you.'' he said breaking me from my train of admiration.

''You didn't have to bother yourself so much. This dinner is more than just enough.'' I intertwined my fingers with his.

''There's never enough when its about you and I think this date is the least I could do for you because you're the best thing that ever happened to me.'' he leaned in and kissed me.


''There's no but. Now come on or we'll miss it.'' he interrupted me and stood up.

"Miss what?" I asked as I followed his footsteps.


''I looked up and saw display of fireworks. It was a big red heart and in the middle of it, it read:

I was wordless.
I turned to face Mingyu and saw him already looking at me. I didn't know what to say so I simply kissed him. He kissed back passionately and when we pulled apart our forheads were still touching each others.

''Saranghamnida, Hyurin.'' Mingyu finally confessed looking into my eyes.

''Sa- saranghamnida, Oppa.'' I reciprocated as the tears threatened to spill down my cheeks, but it dried up quickly when he said:

"So... who's ready for a swim?" He asked with a mischievous grin. My eyes instantly widened.

"No Mingyu the sun is down, water will be cold right now." I protested.

"I'll take care of you if you'll fall sick." He winked, picking me up and throwing me into the water.

"Noooo!" I shrieked, causing him to chuckle.

The water was freezing, and I began to kick my legs frantically, trying to reach the shore. It wasn't too far away, and soon I was pulling myself up out of the chilly water.

Suddenly he dipped in and dissolved into the water.

"Mingyewww!" I screamed, my eyes searching for him.

"Were'd you go?"

"GOTCHA!" He grabed me from behind and tackled me down.

"You scared the daylight out of me!" I exclaimed, still startled.

"Yeah, what can I say, I'm the best when it comes to things like this," He winked before planting a kiss on my lips.

We finally got into the tent after swimming in the lake for an hour. I was shivering to my bones. Mingyu replicated the same.

"We should have brought extra clothes." I said, hugging my arms around my body, rubbing them to keep warm.

Just then Mingyu pulled out fresh pair of T-shirts and sweat pants from a duffel bag and threw them at me.

"Wow! So it was all planned out." I gasped.

"Yes." He smiled and pecked my lips.

We quickly changed into dry clothes. There was only one sleeping bad in the tent and I bet Mingyu organized that on purpose.

"C'mon in." He said as he got inside the sleeping bag.
I instantly scooted over and he cuddled me into a warm embrace. We stayed in that position for a while, as he drew circles on my shoulder with his index finger. The atmosphere felt silent, it felt peaceful, until I decided to break the silence.

"Mingyu..." I spoke.

"Hm?" He hummed, intertwining his fingers with mine.

"What made you fall in love with a stripper? Weren't you jealous of my clients? Or weren't you disappointed that I was....... raped?" I asked as I looked up at him. There was a pause, which made me more eager to know the answer, and then he spoke.

"Honestly, I didn't understand it myself at the time, but I've thought about it since, and I think it was because, knowing that your body would never be mine alone, I had to concentrate on conquering your soul."

Those words made my heart jolt. I admired the way he put those words so perfectly, causing my eyes to turn glassy. Even though those words lost on the wind, but I needed to hear them, and he needed to say them.

I was suppose to say something in return, but I didnt utter a word, because saying "I love you" at this juncture won't make much sense, he knows that already, and so do I.



Finally a chapter of Mingyu and Hyurin 😅
Hope you guys liked this chapter
Pretty PLEASE vote and comment, ya?

See you soon 😙

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